Blood Ties

Blood Ties by Josephine Barly Page B

Book: Blood Ties by Josephine Barly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Barly
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers, Retail
relationship with Caleb, I left home when I was twenty-two, so we didn’t really share that much. Besides, because of the almost six year gap between us, plus our diverse personalities, we’ve been through different stages, caring about different things. I’ve always been a bit protective over her, but not to the point of being domineering.”
    Jared nodded and sighed. There was no motive for Kelly to kill me.
    “No fighting over men? Money issues? No problems with your dad’s inheritance?” Jared continued probing.
    I thought about it but shook my head steadily. My sister had no reason whatsoever to kill me. I shrugged and Jared seemed to give up. He devoured his sandwich in four pieces and I enjoyed mine in smaller bites.
    “If I can think of any further questions, I’ll ask them Sam, okay?”
    I nodded but didn’t reply due to a piece of cheese and bread floating in my mouth.
    “What about your relationship with Aidan?” I enquired after I’d finished my sandwich.
    “He took care of me. After our parents died, I went through a slightly rebellious phase, going out every night, treating women like crap, I was skipping school and almost dropped out. But Aidan did what any older, more responsible and wiser brother would do.”
    “He talked to you? Took you to a psychologist?”
    “He beat the crap out of me and promised to keep on doing it unless I straightened out and acted in a more mature way.”
    I smiled, thinking Aidan’s course of action was very effective, even if it was a bit extreme. Jared spoke warmly and full of respect when talking about his brother.
    “ Aidan managed to go to college, work, and keep me grounded. Sure, I also took a part-time job once I became stable by Aidan’s standards, and we had our mom’s insurance money, but he was simply amazing to me. He cared for me economically but never dismissed the emotional side.”
    There, I had to raise my eyebrows. Aidan, emotional? That was certainly shocking.
    “Don’t look so surprised, Sam. He may act tough and detached, but that’s only because he’s suffered a lot and he’s used to being the shoulder one leans on, instead of being the one doing the leaning, if you get what I mean.”
    I nodded slowly, taken aback at discovering this new side of Aidan’s, but I was glad because it made me understand more of his character.
    “And did you two grow up here, in New York, or where?” I asked.
    “Actually, we lived our whole lives here. I had started out as a policeman here, but relocated to New York when I was fresh out of college because I needed a change of scenery. Aidan was already a rising star here, and the move would imply a professional setback for him, so he stayed here. We’ve kept in touch and visited over holidays, so our relationship managed to make it. Aidan never outgrew the sense of responsibility he felt over me, so he’s always checking up on me; plus, I know he speaks to my superiors from time to time to get further details of my career.”
    “He really cares about you,” I said shyly, talking more to myself than to Jared.
    He smiled broadly, amused by my articulation. I grinned sheepishly and finished the coffee.
    “Did you ever lose a friend?” I asked after a moment’s hesitation.
    Jared looked down for a second and then back up at me. Immediately I knew the answer to be affirmative.
    “Duncan was the first friend I made when I arrived in New York. He was a police officer who owned his own place; he rented me a room and showed me around Manhattan; he basically guided me. Being two years older than me, we became very close and got to share a lot. I was the first to know he’d gotten engaged to his girlfriend, Philippa. We were roommates for three and a half years before he was gunned down when we tried to pull off a mass arrest following an undercover operation.”
    “What happened then?”
    “I moved out and rented my own place; his apartment was left for his then five-year-old son from a previous

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