Brock And Kolla - 09 - Spider Trap

Brock And Kolla - 09 - Spider Trap by Barry Maitland Page B

Book: Brock And Kolla - 09 - Spider Trap by Barry Maitland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barry Maitland
Tags: Contemporary, Mystery, British Detective
on the left and the gates swung open.
    The houses, in their mellow brick and dark timber, looked old at first glance, but only one, the first on the right, really was, Kathy guessed. It would originally have been the glebe house or parsonage belonging to the church whose spire they could see beyond the trees. The others, with their diamond-pane windows and classically columned porches, had the air of overblown reproductions. They sat around a large garden, brooding over the tennis court and tarpaulin-covered swimming pool laid out in the centre. Kathy followed the encircling drive, tyres crunching on the icy gravel, towards the woman who stood in the doorway of the far house, watching them approach.
    ‘That’s not her,’Mahreen said,and Kathy saw that it was a much younger woman waiting for them, in her twenties. She had large attractive dark eyes, thick black hair and a golden complexion, as if she’d just stepped off a hot Mediterranean beach.
    She shook their hands,unsmiling.‘I’m Magdalen Roach.’She spoke rapidly. ‘My mother’s waiting for you inside. She tries to pretend that she’s all right, but she isn’t. The doctor’s still very worried about her head and she’s taking a lot of painkillers. It would be better if you didn’t bother her.’
    ‘Oh, we do understand, Magdalen,’ Mahreen said, all calm concern.‘Don’t you worry, we won’t distress your mum. This is Kathy, she’s a detective. A couple of minutes and we’ll be on our way.’
    Magdalen reluctantly led them into an expansive living room, dominated by an oversized gold and crystal chandelier, beneath which a fuller, middle-aged version of the daughter sat in a huge leather sofa. Adonia Roach had the thick black hair and dark good looks of her Greek family, and still carried the slightest trace of accent in her voice. She was carefully groomed, dressed in the finest cashmere, against which the heavy bruising on one side of her face and the bandage strapping her left hand and arm struck a discordant note.
    ‘Please excuse me not getting up to welcome you,’ she said. ‘My hip is still quite painful.Will you have coffee?’ She looked up at her daughter, who nodded and left. ‘You really didn’t need to come all this way just to see how I was.’
    ‘It’s part of our community outreach policy, Mrs Roach,’ Mahreen explained enthusiastically.‘Support for victims of crime. And of course, there’s always a chance that you might have remembered something else now that you’ve had a little time to recover from the initial shock.’
    ‘Oh, I’ve done my best to put it out of my mind. Being thrown to the ground like that . . .’ She gave a little start at the sound of a jarring crack of crockery from another room.
    ‘Yes, the shock . . . It all happened so fast. I suppose they must have been waiting for me to come out to the car, but I didn’t see them until they snatched the keys out of my hand. Then the other one grabbed my bag and it caught on my arm and they just swung me around and I fell ...Well,you know.’
    ‘You were visiting your mother, you said?’
‘Yes, she’s a widow, lived in Camberwell for years.’
‘And do you visit her regularly?’
‘Every week.’
‘At the same time?’
    ‘Usually Monday. It doesn’t clash with her other activities. She keeps herself very busy.’
    ‘And you said the two who attacked you were slightly built?’
    ‘Yes, thin. One was a bit taller than me, the other about my height, but that was only an impression . . . I could be wrong, with the scarves over their faces and their hoods and baggy jeans, I don’t know.’
    ‘But definitely West Indian?’
    ‘Yes,yes.Not . . .’she glanced cautiously at Mahreen,‘. . .Asian.’
    ‘We’ve got some photos for you to look at, Mrs Roach,’ Mahreen purred, and Kathy handed her the sheaf of pictures she’d brought.
    ‘Too thick-set . . . too . . . oh, I don’t know.’
‘Try covering the lower part of their

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