Challenged by Darkness (An Urban Fantasy Novel) (Befallen Tides series Book 2)

Challenged by Darkness (An Urban Fantasy Novel) (Befallen Tides series Book 2) by Anna Sanders Page B

Book: Challenged by Darkness (An Urban Fantasy Novel) (Befallen Tides series Book 2) by Anna Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Sanders
guess I am hungry.”
    “Of course you are.” She placed a hand on his wrist. “They’re making stew today because of the snowy weather.”
    “It’s snowing, and everyone is still outside?”
    Her smile faded a bit. “Most of the pack has reservations with being indoors. They feel like tents are better for a quick escape.” She looked away with a sigh. “I’ve tried to reason with them. But they’re scared.”
    That was evident.
    “And they’re scared of Winx,” she continued.
    Keaton rose a brow at her before laughing slightly. “They should be.”
    Sabrina’s gaze widened. “Really?”
    “Of course. Winx is a spitfire.” He was amused by her confusion, not taking her fear seriously on purpose. “She’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it, though.”
    “That’s not how she’s acting,” Sabrina said, lowering her voice conspiratorially.
    “You have to give respect to earn respect. Just give Winx her space, and you’ll get along fine eventually.”
    Speak of the devil. Winx herself walked into the dining room, and Keaton had to catch his breath. She was cleaned from head to foot and wore a roguish outfit: a black spaghetti-string top and form-fitting jeans. She wore makeup to hide her recovering black eye and other puffy wounds, and her other bandages were freshened. It all made her look tough and unobtainable.
    She nodded when she saw him. “How are you?” Winx winced as she said it, like even she knew it was a crap thing to ask.
    Keaton gave her a sad smile. “I’ll live, right?”
    “Maybe. You’re pretty resilient.”
    A compliment from Winx? Maybe he was still sleeping.
    She was looking at him oddly, almost as if she missed seeing him. But it wasn’t like she was going to say it. Keaton knew that wasn’t her style. Instead, Winx blew a gust of a sigh and pointed to the kitchen. “I’ve made my cameo appearance for the day. Now I’m going to make a snack.”
    As she walked into the kitchen, the three cooks made room for her quickly, stopping whatever they were doing and standing back. Winx glowered but didn’t otherwise acknowledge it. She grabbed an already packaged sandwich from the fridge and made good on her word to vacate the room.
    Keaton watched her go with regret. The cooks got back to their stew with aplomb, as if they hadn’t overreacted. Sabrina shivered beside him.
    “Callous thing,” she muttered to herself.
    He was immediately distraught. “Has everyone been treating her like that?”
    “We’ve tried being nice, Keaton. But she insists on being difficult!” Sabrina squeezed his wrist. She hadn’t moved her hand an inch.  “I want you here. I know you, I like you, and I think it’s best you stay. But I have to think of what’s best for the pack. If she keeps this up, we may have to make her leave.”
    “If she leaves, I leave.” It was simple: he was with Winx, no matter what. Even after all his doubts and fears, he would never watch her go. He’d be beside her.
    “Why?” she asked. “I don’t want you to go. You have so much to offer this pack, Keaton. Why would you stick by her?”
    “We belong together. I will not abandon her.”
    “She can take care of herself, and she prefers to be on her own. You’ve seen that. Maybe you need to consider that this is where you two go your separate ways. You don’t have to keep running to her rescue. Not when you have yourself to think about.”
    Keaton had seen that. If he were entirely honest with himself, he could admit it: Winx didn’t need him. But that didn’t change anything. “Winx and I, we have each other’s backs. It is what it is, Sabrina. And if you cannot understand that-”
    “Fine, fine! I just…  we need you.”
    “You’re strong, able, resourceful.”  Sabrina smiled. “You could help patch the holes in this place. You’re alpha material.”
    “What about you? This is your place. Why don’t you consider yourself the alpha?”
    She brought a cup to her lips and

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