CHASE - Volume Three (The CHASE Series Book 3)

CHASE - Volume Three (The CHASE Series Book 3) by M.L. Young Page B

Book: CHASE - Volume Three (The CHASE Series Book 3) by M.L. Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.L. Young
myself back to all of the good, no, great, times we had together, even if they were few and far between. I thought about the way he kissed me, held me, and made me feel, a girl from a small Midwestern town. I thought about the way he smirked at me, that devilishly angelic smirk.
    Maybe I needed to finally let it all out. Maybe I needed to let go of what was holding me down and fly away with him.

Chapter Nine
    I plead my case, spilled my heart out, and did everything I thought I could do to get her to take me back. I was doing everything short of begging, and honestly, some people might even think I was begging by the way I was talking to her. I just wanted her back, by any means necessary, and at this point, after spilling my guts out, I didn’t want her to say no. I didn’t want to leave here without being with her again. I didn’t want to face myself in the mirror later tonight wondering if I could’ve said or done more.
    She was keeping to herself, looking down, playing with her fingers, like she was thinking about something. I guessed I knew what she was thinking about, but at the same time I had no idea.
    “So, if we got back together, if we tried again, things would be different? How would you specifically be different? I mean, what’s changed since I first met you?” she asked.
    “I’m not that person anymore, Alexis. Trust me, I’m far from it. I wouldn’t say I used women before, but I was guarded, not caring at all what they thought or felt. If I dated a woman and then never called her again I didn’t feel bad about it. I had been burned so many times by women in the past that I lumped them all together in the same pool, which was wrong. I thought that they all would hurt me like the others hurt me, so I decided I would get to them before they got to me, just to save myself the pain and embarrassment. Then, I don’t know, I met you and things were different. You were, and are, different from the other women I’ve dated, different in a good way, a great way, and I knew I couldn’t play you like that. Then I got scared, and we didn’t talk for a while. I hated it, but eventually we got back together and it was the greatest time of my life. We had so much fun, I always smiled when you texted me, and I was overall better. I know now that not all women out there are bad or out to get me. I know that there are still great women who just want to be with someone and love them and do their best to create something special, something lifelong, with that person. I know you’re like that. I know you’re one of those special women, and I can’t miss out on that or lose you,” I said.
    Her face changed as I spilled myself to her. She seemed almost hopeful, and in turn, I felt hopeful. She didn’t seem so reserved, and she didn’t look like she did earlier when she appeared to be heavily contemplating everything. I felt as if I was swaying her to my side, the side where we could have our happily ever after, and I couldn’t be happier. The only problem, though, was that I had no idea if I was swaying her or not. All I had were facial expressions, and those weren’t enough for me. I needed to hear things from her mouth. I needed her to say that she wanted to be with me and that she forgave me and we could move forward together. I needed it…badly.
    “I like that, what you have to say. You’re right that not all women are bad, just like not all men out there are bad. My only problem going forward, if we do go forward, is what we are to each other,” she said.
    “I’m sorry, I don’t really know what you mean by that,” I said, with a confused tone.
    “Well, before we weren’t really anything but two people having a little fun and dating one another. I think that a title like that can lead you to getting hurt or confused. After all, you can be seeing a thousand women, but at the end of the day, none of those women have a title. They aren’t anything to you but another woman, and I

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