don’t know if I’m coming or going.”
    Her sister sighed.  “Copper can be gruff. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, but he would never intentionally hurt you.”
    “Deep down I know that, but I still tense up whenever he’s near. Part of me wants to touch him, and the other part wants to run in the opposite direction as fast as I can.  How ridiculous is that?” 
    “Makes perfect sense to me,” Natalie said in a contemplative voice.  “Rob did a number on you.  It’s almost like you’re punishing yourself by refusing to have fun, especially with the opposite sex.” 
    “I date sometimes,” she reminded Natalie without actually denying her claim.
    Her sister snorted.  “Yeah, wimpy yes men who are probably afraid of their own shadows.”  She laughed.  “Nothing exciting about that, as I think you’re finally beginning to figure out.”
    “There are more important things than excitement,” Marla insisted. “And being safe is at the top of the list.”
    Natalie shook her head.  “It’s no wonder you aren’t able to develop deep attachments with the few men you’ve bothered dating.  It’s also no surprise that Copper so easily throws you into internal conflict.  You’re young, single, and beautiful. You should be having fun, going to parties, outrageously flirting with good-looking men, and experimenting with what makes you feel good.” 
    Marla arched a brow. “It sounds like you’re encouraging me to experiment with your boss.” 
    “Why not? You’re a responsible twenty-six year old, not a naïve virgin.  You know what birth control is, and you’re smart enough to use it this time. I’m mad as hell that someone targeted you for harm, and I’m sad you were injured.  But maybe something good will come out of this horrible situation after all.”
    Marla glanced at her sister. She didn’t like the twinkle in her eyes or the devilish look that quickly crossed her face before disappearing. She narrowed her eyes.   “Just because I confessed to finding Copper sexy doesn’t mean anything is going to happen, especially between the sheets.”
    “Right,” Natalie said in a long drawn out whisper. “That man loves his privacy more than any person I know. Yet here you are, taking up residency in his room and his bed.  You could just as easily be sharing my room.  He staked a claim on you in front of me and the other Metal Cowboys.”
    “You’re not convinced?”
    “Why not?”
    “Because I’ve been to parties here before. Copper is never without company, if you know what I mean? Beautiful women are always hanging off his arms. I’m just plain and boring Marla.”  She stifled a yawn.
    “Whatever. You are not plain, and you’re only boring because you want to be.”  Natalie pointed to the corner of the room.  “I tried to get everything you’ll need for the next three or four days.  You’re tired, and you need to rest.  Go ahead and take a shower before you fall asleep. Remember to be careful around your wound,” she warned.  “Don’t pick at the bandage or scrub at it too hard.” 
    Marla sighed.  “I’ll be careful. What about you, what are you going to do?”
    “I’m turning in too. It’s late, and it’s been a very long night.”  She hugged her sister.  “If you need me for any reason, I’m in the first bedroom, the one at the head of the stairs.  Yell my name, and I’ll come running.”
    Marla returned the hug. “Thank you for everything. I love you.”
    “Right back at you.  Enjoy your shower and sleep tight.”

    The click clack of Iron’s fingers on the computer keyboard was not nearly enough of a distraction. Copper’s mind was firmly fixed on the enticing woman currently taking up residence in his bedroom.  “Find anything?”  He asked the question in a desperate attempt to get his brain back on task. 
    “Rob Storey is definitely in the area. The best I can tell, he’s been here about two

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