Dark Ride

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Book: Dark Ride by Todd Loyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Todd Loyd
the hall. We can only go through the spinning tunnel one at a time. Amy, you go first.” Looking to make sure the others are behind him, Mason holds up a hand, signaling for the two boys to stop.
    This is it , Jack realizes, This is where we are supposed to run.
    â€œOh man, I can't keep my balance,” Amy says while laughing.
    Jack hears Amy's words as the blurring figure of Mason runs past him with Scotty hot on his heels. Now it is his turn to run. He half-heartedly follows.
    The boys clear a couple of rooms. They can hear Amy calling to them just over the piped in music. “Guys, where are you?”
    â€œShe'll be on to us soon,” Mason calls, ducking past an overweight man in a loud Hawaiian shirt.
    Jack decides it's time to act. He refuses to allow this to go down. Hanging back slightly, Jack executes a dramatic trip.
    â€œOww!” he calls in fake pain.
    Scotty immediately turns upon hearing Jack's staged yelp. Scotty doubles back to Jack.
    â€œI'm fine. Just tripped, that's all. I might have turned an ankle or something. I was in such a rush…man, I am such a klutz.” By now Mason has rejoined the two.
    â€œYou tripped?” asks Mason, giving Jack a questioning eye.
    Jack wonders, Does Mason suspect? He continues his charade, though, and says, “Sorry, guys. Let me get up and see if I can walk.” Using all of his acting skills perfected by playing Col. Von Trapp in his fourth grade presentation of Sound of Music , Jack hobbles to his feet. “Looks like I am good to go, let's get to the exit before—”
    Amy, panting, has caught up to the boys. “What are you guys doing? Are you trying to ditch me or something?”
    Thinking fast and not wanting to bust his friends, Jack makes quick reply. “Uh, no, we just decided to go on to the Enchanted Forrest. Mason here was getting nauseous with all the mirrors and stuff, so we decided to get out of here fast before he barfs. We were going to wait for you outside.”
    â€œYeah, I am feeling a little light-headed,” lies Mason.
    Pacified, Amy walks out through the entrance with Scotty. Mason grabs Jack's arm, slowing him down so they can talk. “Great, Jack, just great. You just tripped, huh?”
    â€œYeah, I don't know why.”
    â€œLook, I don't know what's going on with you, but you are the reason we are going to have to drag her with us into the Forrest. All I know is that she better not keep me from getting my prop. We have a deal, right?”
    â€œYep, no one is going to stop us.” Jack tries to sound as positive as possible. He is not completely sure, but he has to be careful with Mason, who suspects things too often.
    â€œIf she gets in the way and we get busted, I am going to tell everyone who will listen that this whole plan was your idea. You know Scotty will back me up. Try not to…trip…again.”
    Now he is sure Mason is on to him. Jack knows he better come through tonight.

Chapter 13
    The crew waltzes past many of the other attractions at the park, intent on their plan to hit the Forrest. To Jack's astonishment, the plan is actually the last thing on his mind right now. While Scotty and Mason are talking about a new video game, Jack is still debating in his head what to do with this newfound admiration of Amy. His head tells him to let it go, but his heart tells him to take the opportunity to hang back and focus on Amy. His heart wins.
    â€œOh man, I love Blackbeard's Pirate Ship.” The girl looks longingly at the ride as they pass.
    â€œMy mom hates it. She won't even step into the park because she got so sick on it once.”
    â€œReally? That's too funny.” Amy brushes her bangs over her ear and giggles at the absurdity of Jack's statement.
    â€œHey Jack, let's ride it. Can we?”
    Is she asking me to ride? Just me? Jack wonders, allowing himself to think of Amy and him alone on the ride.
    â€œGet the guys to stop,” she

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