Eyes Of Danger
here. You can walk home. Tomorrow, you can take a cab to pick up your jeep.”
    He started to turn away, but I couldn’t help myself. It was better to be angry than just scared. A grab on his arm drew his attention.
    “No, you don’t. I think you got me into this and you owe me. Who were they? Why are they following me and asking questions about me?”
    He stepped back, and at the same time, a guy came around the corner. The guy had garbage bags. It was probably his job to clean up around the gas station as he was heading across to a large fenced-in garbage dumpster.
    Tim moved back in against me, suddenly pushing me back into the wall with his body. He lowered his head and brought his head down and then we were kissing. It started out with just a touch of lips, then somewhere in there, it turned on with a little heat. I felt him push a little more and felt the movement of his tongue on my lips. I don’t know when I moved my arms up without thinking and wrapped around him.
    I was aware of a lot of things all at once—the heat of his body, the feel of his mouth, the surprise of my own body’s response. I let the tongue slide in with a welcome feeling, my own tongue responding. What was more surprising to me, I felt a response between my legs. This was a first. I wasn’t sure that I understood, but I knew that I was actually pressing forward against him. Then, he raised his head and stepped back, looking at me with those incredible dark eyes.
    He looked around, then back at me. “The men were probably CIA. Or hired by the CIA. That happens a lot. They are looking for me. They probably thought by following you, you would lead them to me.” Then, he smiled.
    “What. You find this funny?” Between the heat from the kiss and his smile, I was insulted.
    He shook his head, but still smiled. “Look, I am sorry, but you really pulled a great one at the store. A trained operative couldn’t have done better.”
    I looked at him totally frustrated. “Their plan might be working, right? Because here we are together, so, are you watching me, too?”
    He stepped back further, but still had his eyes on my face. “I feel responsible for you. I brought this down on you. Sorry.”
    “Sorry? Are you nuts?” I had my hands on my hips. I stepped towards him, ignoring my warning system. “Just go away. Go somewhere else. Let them follow you there. Lead them to another state, another country, another…” I stopped as he placed a finger on my lips.
    “I can’t leave, yet. Stop yelling. Stop drawing attention to us. Let’s play this off as a lover’s quarrel. Slap me and stalk off. Then, go to your home.”
    He removed his finger. I looked at him, then saw over his shoulder, a couple looking at us as they got into their car. I looked at him, drew back, and planted, with full force, a hand against his jaw. I picked up my bag, stomped around him and headed out to the road. I waited until I got to the road before I peeked back, but he was gone. Sure, a ghost.

Chapter Six
    I cut over a couple of blocks. This meant I was soon on my own street, then in front of my house. I looked around to make sure I didn’t see any strange cars or even any unknown people. I went in though the side garage door, sitting down at my kitchen table. I turned the green bag upside down, dumping everything out.
    I stared at what I had bought. I couldn’t remember buying half of the items sitting on the table. When had I picked them up, and that poor guy at the deli? I had a dozen small white wrapped packages. I unwrapped one and looked at the two slices of cheese. I broke off a sliver and stuck it in my mouth. Okay. I was in a dream I would wake up from any minute. There was something else, though. Sex . It had always been a bit of a disappointment to me. Yet, in one kiss, I had felt more stirrings than I had ever felt in bed with the two men I had developed experiences with in my so-called love life.
    I needed a shower, but more than that, I

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