Faces of the Game
legs and a glass of water with lemon and a watermelon martini to drink; Chip ordered the same minus the Crab legs and added Salmon.  They sat at the table and told each other what all they did in Atlanta.  Chelle told Chip that he and she should go to the Spa one day, but he said that the Spa was strictly for the ladies so she didn’t oppose.  Instead she changed the subject, “So did you enjoy the strip clubs?”  Chip looked at her as if she had two heads “Of course I did, I was drunk as hell” he responded.  “I’m glad you had a good time, I had a wonderful time myself” Chelle said smiling at him.  “I am just glad you finally gave me your number, I told B when I finally got you I wasn’t going to let you go no matter what and I am a man of my word.”  Chip said hoping to strike an endless conversation.  “So, how do you plan to keep me no matter what?”  Chelle asked leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.  “Whatever it takes; time, loyalty, honesty, finances… just whatever” Chip said kissing her back on her cheek.  They leaned on one another and watched the chef cook the food, the flame grasped their attention and they were silent for a few minutes before Chelle broke the silence.  “So who are you messing with right now?”  He looked at her with a blank expression, “Nobody we already went through this” he said as if he knew that she was aware of his current status.  “Oh really?  So what’s up with you and Kiki?”  She asked knowing that he and Kiki were in a relationship whether they were boyfriend and girlfriend or not.  “We cool.” Chip said in a slightly high pitched tone.  “What are you getting hype for?”  Chelle asked.  “No reason, but that’s not my girlfriend I hope you haven’t heard anything different.”  Chip said trying to sound nonchalant.  Chelle quickly changed the subject again, “So what are you doing for the rest of the night?”  Chelle asked surreptitiously inviting him to stay the rest of the day with her.  “Shit, what about you?”  Chip asked her hoping that she would say she was chilling with him.  “Nothing, you want to come over my house?”  She asked him while taking a bite of her food.  “Sure” he said in a sarcastic voice, excited that everything had fallen into place just as he planned.  They continued to eat and make small talk until the chef cleaned his area and cut the fan off over his grill.  They both clapped for him, and he took a bow and left the table.  Soon after, the waitress came over to give them to go boxes and the check.  Chip paid the check and left the change for a tip, and they were on their way to her house.  “Follow me” Chelle instructed as she got into her car.  Chip hopped into his car, cranked it up and followed closely behind her making sure she wouldn’t leave him.  That looks like the same car that the runner drives, I saw it parked at Twan house one day when they came back from the A.  I hope she isn’t moving shit for us, she a good girl.   Chip thought as he continued to let her lead the way. 
    History 101
    They both walked into the apartment got situated, Chip went back to her car to get her luggage out of the trunk while Chelle went into her bedroom and took off her clothes and slipped into a pair of boxers a tank top and her silk robe.  “Thank you sweetie” Chelle said as she took her luggage into her room and slid it into the walk-in closet.  The two of them sat in the living room and watched Jay Leno before getting tired.  Chip yawned, “Can I spend the night?”  “Yeah, as long as you don’t try me” Chelle replied.  “Na, I won’t I am just tired as hell” Chip assured her.  He slipped his Jordan’s off and neatly laid them along the side of the wall.  “No crazy dudes are going to come bursting in here are they?”  He said joking.  “I don’t know he might” Chelle said joking back with him.  Chip then took his jeans off, he had

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