Heart's Reward

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Book: Heart's Reward by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
fun. I’m starved. How about you?”
    He thought of the plate Lin had fixed and left in the oven that he’d never had a chance to touch. “Me, too.”
    â€œGood. Come on.”
    â€œSo, catch me up. How is life in the fast lane?” Traci asked as she cut into her steak.
    â€œWell, you know the senator has his hands in as many pots as the law allows. He’s chair of two majorcommittees and sits on a half dozen others. My plate stays full.” He chewed on his forkful of steak, which nearly melted in his mouth.
    â€œDo you think it was the job or the whole black, white thing that kept us from getting together?” Traci asked casually.
    Claude drew in a breath in concert with the rise and fall of his brows. “Hard to say. Maybe a little of both.”
    â€œOr maybe,” she wagged her fork at him, “we were both living out some jungle fever fantasy. Know what I mean?”
    Claude chuckled. “Maybe you’re right,” he said, adding to the repartee.
    â€œBut the truth is, neither one of us was or is ready to slow down.”
    Claude chose not to comment. He sipped from his glass of wine.
    â€œHey, did you get to the embassy party the other night? I know you don’t usually attend, but I heard this was a good one, as embassy parties go.”
    Claude’s thoughts flashed back to that night and meeting Melanie for the first time. Now that’s the kind of woman he would consider slowing down for.
    Traci was waving her hand in front of his face. “Earth to Claude.”
    He blinked the image away.
    â€œWhere’d you go?”
    â€œSorry…just thinking about the party. Yes, it was nice, great food, music…” His voice drifted off.
    Traci angled her head to the side and tucked her palm beneath her chin. “Who is she?” Her eyes gleamed in the light.
    Claude leaned back and wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Why must there be a she?”
    â€œThere’s always a she…or a he when someone gets that look in their eyes.”
    â€œReally?” he said, deadpan.
    â€œScientific fact. So, come on, tell.”
    â€œThere’s nothing to tell.”
    She gave him a skeptical look. “Hmm. Then you’re free and clear to spend the night with me, like old times,” she said, a hint of challenge in her voice.
    Had it been a week ago he wouldn’t have hesitated. It was crazy to think that something could go on between him and Melanie. They barely knew each other. Not to mention that he’d laid down twenty-five big ones. The only thing between them was business. He focused on Traci. She was beautiful, fun, smart and hot as a volcano. He reached across the table and took her hand. “If I tell you this, you have to swear you won’t laugh.”
    â€œIf it’s funny, I’m going to laugh,” she said, totally serious.
    Claude threw up his hands. “Okay, forget it.”
    Traci surged forward. “Okay, okay. I won’t laugh. I swear.” She crossed her heart and stared at him with wide-eyed innocence.
    Claude stared her down for a minute, drew in a breath and debated about what he was on the verge of saying. He linked his fingers together. “I went to a dating service.”
    Her mouth opened but Claude’s warning glare kept anything from coming out.
    â€œI’m not talking about some online stuff. It’s classy, high tech and cost fifty grand to get on board.” He went on to explain what had transpired and how it was Alan’s idea to find someone for him.
    â€œAlan Harte? You’re kidding. Mr. Footloose and Fancy Free?”
    Claude laughed. “Yes, him. His sister Melanie runs the family business.” Just saying her name made his stomach jump. He went on to tell her about The Platinum Society, how it operates and their money-back guarantee.
    Traci was genuinely fascinated. “The Platinum Society, huh?” She twisted her lips in

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