Measuring Up

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Book: Measuring Up by Nyrae Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nyrae Dawn
here. It’s so crazy, being here and waiting for him to go jogging. I haven’t jogged for fun in—wow, I can’t even remember. And now I’m doing it with my trainer? What was I thinking?
    Shaking my head, I fight to stamp down my doubt. He won’t push me too hard. That I can tell about him. He’s good at his job. Understanding and encouraging, which is what I need. Even if he is a little cocky and moody some of the time.
    Picking up my cell phone, I glance at the time. 6:10. Nerves start a slow boil in my belly. Not everyone can be on time all the time. Especial ly at six in the morning.
    Shoving my keys back into the ignition, I give power to the car to listen to music . I wonder where we’re going to run. Hopefully it’s not someplace that’s packed with people. For some reason, I think Tegan knows better than that though. I’m sure he knows I’m a total wuss and it would make me uncomfortable.
    I glance up to see a few people walk into Let’s Get Physical. What if he’s waiting inside? I didn’t even think about that. For the second time I turn off my car before heading inside. He’s not standing by the door, but S upermodel is sitting behind the desk.
    “Hi, Annabel. You here to do a solo workout today?” She asks.
    Her words pretty much answer my question, but I ask anyway. “Is Tegan around?”
    “No, not that I’ve seen.”
    Thanking her, I walk out. The nerves start to bubble over now, a rapid boil like right before you toss noodles into the water. It’s only 6:25. He wouldn’t have asked me to come if he didn’t plan to show up, right?
    I climb back into my car because the last thing I want to do is stand here on the street waiting for him. I try the radio, nothing is on. Hit play on my CD player, but then turn it off because I’m not in the mood to change the CD. Immediately, I reach for my phone: check my email, look for a text from Em, change the wallpaper.
    Finally, the boil bubbles over, spilling throughout my body. 7:00. He’s not here. He’s not coming. What was I thinking? Shaking my head, I toss my cell into the passenger seat, start my car and drive off.
    I don’t bother to grab my bag when I get home. I’m half afraid I’ll chuck the dumb thing across my lawn. Maybe he asked me to run with him to pacify me. To look like he actually cared, knowing that I’d be too proud to back down after I promised him I’d keep working out. But that doesn’t feel real. Doesn’t feel like him.
    I lean my head forward so my forehead presses against my front door. What am I thinking? I don’t know this guy. Actions speak louder than words. His actions spoke pretty loudly.
    My door pulls open and I stumble to catch myself. I’m so shocked to see my mom on the other side of the door, that when she asks me what I’m doing, I answer honestly. “I went jogging.” Okay, maybe not completely honestly since I didn’t actually jog, but I’d planned on it.
    Doubt is written all over her face. “You went jogging?”
    I stand taller. “Yes.”
    She looks at me for a minute, as if she’s trying to figure me out. Should she be happy or not? Believe me or not? “I don’t like you out and about without being honest with me about what you’re doing. I’ll let it go this time, but next time, try the truth.” She checks her cell phone, grabs her keys, and the urge to grab them out of her hand and throw them the way I just thought about throwing my bag takes over.
    “I’m not lying. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.”
    She sighs. Her colored-in brows pull together. “I’m not trying to be a monster here, but you don’t look like you’ve been exercising. You look rested. You’re not sweating and this may sound harsh, but I’ve never seen you get up this early and go for a jog before.” She steps outside. “I’m running late. We’ll talk about it later.”
    And then she’s gone and I’m left feeling even worse than I did waiting on a boy who never came.
    “Scoot over.”

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