Never Let Go

Never Let Go by Scarlett Edwards Page B

Book: Never Let Go by Scarlett Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Edwards
Tags: General Fiction
bound to be male.
    The third job is the one I really want. It’s a spot as a swimming instructor at the campus pool. Like I told Andrew, I’d basically been swimming since before I could walk. The swim lessons my mother signed me up for were probably the only kind thing she’d done for me.
    I skim the requirements again. They want someone with experience. Check . They want someone who can deal with kids. Check . They want someone who is locally certified. Err… that might be a sticking point.
    I have my lifeguard certification, but it’s from another state.
    Still, I figure it can’t hurt to apply. The job would be ideal , without even mentioning the fact that it pays twenty-two bucks an hour. That’s a lot of money for a college kid.
    I run out the door, excited to get a start on things. I’m not looking where I’m going as I bound down the stairs and turn onto the street—and collide head on with somebody carrying an enormous cardboard box.
    Both of us tumble to the ground. The box falls over and spills open. The head of a ridiculously large stuffed tiger rolls out.
    “Oh my God,” I say. “I’m so sorry. I totally didn’t see you there. Are you okay…?”
    The words die on my tongue as I see who I’ve run into.
    He’s in the process of getting up himself. His eyes meet mine. He freezes.
    “Paige,” he says. He offers a smile. “Imagine that. Must be my lucky day.”
    I shake my head to dismiss the remark. “I broke your… animal ,” I stammer.
    He laughs. “This old thing?” He nudges the head of the tiger with his toe. “It’s withstood harder falls than that. Don’t worry about it.”
    The softness of Andrew’s voice puts me at ease. It’s not the flat, emotionless voice he used when speaking to me after the meeting last week. It’s the warm, kind voice I remember from our date.
    I can’t stop myself from smiling back. “What is it?”
    “A ruined surprise,” Andrew says. He looks from side to side. “If I show you, will you promise not to tell?”
    I nod. “Yeah.”
    “All right, then.” Andrew’s eyes sparkle as he looks at me. “Come here.”
    I step closer while he turns the box upright. I peer inside. There, I see the body of the tiger. It looks like one of those mascots they have at NBA games.
    “What’s it for?” I ask.
    “Each dorm has a mascot,” Andrew explains. “Ours is the tiger. At the end of the week, all the peer leaders are planning on hosting a little festival of sorts. It’s going to be a whole-day event. There’ll be live music and free food and games and all types of stuff. It’s a way for everyone to get to know each other. We do it every year. It’s lots of fun.”
    He gestures to the tiger. “One of the contests is to see which building commands the most dorm pride. If you win, you get bragging rights for the whole year.” He winks. “That’s a pretty big thing. This guy has been key to your dorm winning four of the last five years.”
    “Sounds pretty cool,” I say. “Can I see him?”
    “Sure.” Andrew tosses the tiger’s head to me. I catch it. It’s surprisingly light.
    “Try it on,” he suggests.
    “What?” I try to give it back to him. “No, I can’t.”
    “Aww, come on, don’t be scared.” Andrew takes a step toward me. Suddenly, I’m all too aware of how close he is.
    Too close.
    My heart starts beating faster. It reminds me of our final round of frolf.
    Andrew puts his hands on either side of the tiger’s head. Our fingers brush. I feel a little bit of warmth run through me. The only reaction Andrew gives is a slight curving of his lips.
    Does he have to look so sexy when he does it?
    “Here,” he says, lifting the head from my hands. I don’t move as he settles it over my face.
    The way I’m reacting to him is all wrong. There shouldn’t be any feelings swirling around inside me. He’d made that very clear before. This is the most innocent of interactions. Yet, I feel as off balance as if he’d

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