New Species 11 True

New Species 11 True by Laurann Dohner Page B

Book: New Species 11 True by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
    “You really stink.”
    She winced, glancing away. The other woman’s sense of smell
would be acute and New Species were known to be blunt. She hoped she hadn’t
smelled really bad to 710 but being covered in blood wouldn’t have gone
unnoticed. Jeanie scrubbed her hair then washed the rest of her body with soap.
They had stocked the bathroom with quality products, proof that they weren’t a
standard hospital.
    The warm water was missed when she shut it off and accepted
towels from the woman who’d drawn closer. “Do I need a new bandage?”
    “No. It looks like the plastic kept it dry. Just gently pat
it with the towel.”
    “Thank you. Do you know who will be at this meeting I’m
going to?”
    “I have no idea.” The nurse retreated to the door. “Two
males wait in the hallway. You don’t want them growing impatient to get the
answers they seek.”
    Jeanie nodded, hurrying. Of course they want to talk to
me. Some of the employees had to have escaped using the emergency exits. It’s
imperative to track them down before they flee the country. She was just as
eager to see some of them imprisoned. Jim Booth at Cornas hadn’t been as
horrible as Dean Polanitis at Drackwood, but he was close. Both of those
research facilities were partners with Mercile Industries and had to have
gained access to the New Species through them before they’d been closed down.
    The thin gowns didn’t do much to keep her warm but she was
covered to mid-calf. “I don’t suppose I could wear scrubs?” She peered at the
nurse with hope. “At least bottoms? I feel a bit indecent.”
    “It will have to do.” The woman waved a hand down her body. “Most
of them are in my size or larger. They wouldn’t fit. Follow me.”
    “How about a pair of socks or even those paper footy things?
My feet are cold.”
    Jeanie translated the low growl as a no. She sighed, leaving
the bathroom. Two big New Species wearing black uniforms greeted her inside the
room by the door. It reminded her of 710 as she glanced at the white letters on
their shirts. These ones didn’t wear vests. She studied their faces,
disappointed that he wasn’t one of them. The primate was a handsome guy with
unique brown eyes, the red hues in them fascinating. The slight reshaping of
his flared nose and the bulkiness of his upper body gave her an indication he
might have been mixed with gorilla DNA. She’d heard they existed but were rare.
He was the first one of his kind she’d ever seen.
    She glanced at the other one. He was feline with pretty
catlike eyes and red-streaked hair. Neither one smiled at her, their
expressions grim. Jeanie was disappointed they weren’t friendlier. The one with
the reddish eyes offered his arm.
    “I’m Jericho. You may hold on to me. Tell me if you
experience any weakness.”
    “We don’t want you hitting the floor. My name is Flame and I’m
not a medic so I don’t want you injured on my watch.” He glanced at the nurse. “Are
you coming with us, Midnight?”
    That caused the feline to frown. “What if she starts
bleeding or something?”
    “Bring her back here.” The female sailed out of the room.
    Jeanie hesitated before curling her fingers around the
offered muscular forearm. Jericho was really warm, causing her to shiver.
    “I won’t harm you.” His voice was husky, a little scary and
    “It’s not that. I just took a shower and it’s chilly. I just
didn’t realize how cold I was until I touched you.”
    The New Species glanced at the other one. “Get her a
    Flame crossed the room and yanked open a cabinet. He shook
out a fresh blanket and approached from behind her but paused. “What do I do
with it? Wrap it around her and one of us carries her? You should do that. She
appears frail.”
    “Why me?” Jericho growled low. “You’re weaker than me and
less inclined to accidentally crush something.”
    “I am not.”
    Jeanie released his arm and turned. “I can walk. May I

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