Savage Love

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Book: Savage Love by Jodi Woody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Woody
to the Kleenex box wiping her mouth with one. She reached her hand out for his bowl and Daffyd handed it to her. He tried to cover a big yawn, but Samantha noticed.
         “I think I will go take a nap. That seems to be my usual Sunday afternoon tradition. You could just yell like a banshee if you need me,” she said.
         “I think that naps are my daily tradition.” He said with another yawn. “I can project my voice pretty well; it’s part of the territory.”
         “What territory?” asked Samantha.
         “…being sick and having to yell for help. ” Daffyd realized he had slipped up and tried to cove. “Why do you think Trisha got the pager?”
         Samantha just laughed and carried the bowls to the door. Then she remembered the book and grabbed that as well, tucking it under her arm.
         “Sweet dreams…” she said.
         “You too…” he answered, shutting off the light.
         About an hour later, the hikers returned to a silent house and found both of them fast asleep.
         “I guess all is well,” said Trisha as she softly shut Daffyd’s door.
    Chapter 7
    All the Worlds a Play
         Monday morning dawned with bright promise of a warm summer day. Daffyd’s delivery of fireworks would arrive before noon. He spent a pretty penny to get them at the last minute and get them delivered. But he was looking forward to showing off to his new friends. He had explained to Bryce, before dinner the day before, the events that led up to their weekend guests. His nephew was surprised that Daffyd had even stopped to help, let alone ask them to stay. He wasn’t able to fully explain his motives because he didn’t quite understand himself what had possessed him. But he told Bryce that the girls had no idea who he really was and that he wanted to continue letting them think he was just plain Daffyd Sayvage. They had all spent a relaxed evening together outside roasting marshmallows and making some s‘mores. Seanna had asked Bryce a million questions about college. They were getting along great. Samantha had been quiet and he thought it might be embarrassment for sharing those personal things with him at the pool. But he had promised himself to show them all a great weekend.
         Samantha woke to the sound of her daughter’s soft tapping on her door. Wow, she had slept like a baby. She called for Seanna to come in and scooted over to make room in the bed. Her daughter slipped in beside her plumping the pillow against the headboard so she could partially sit.
         “Are you gonna’ sleep all day,” she asked.
         “I thought I was on vacation,” Samantha stated.
         “Did you ever think our vacation would have been at such a fancy place as this? A pool, great food, great accommodations and now a hot guy. I’d say it’s about perfect, minus the whole cancer issue and the cost of the car repair,” said Seanna.
         “So you think Bryce is hot, huh?” she asked her daughter.
         “Sure, don’t you ? It’s ok to think someone is nice looking, Mom. That doesn’t mean I am in love with the guy. We just met. He is super nice and he doesn’t even try to flirt or act like he’s all that. He’s a Christian too. He talked to me a little about his parents. They were missionaries in South America. Bryce said his dad and his uncle were both raised in a Christian home. He doesn’t know exactly why Daffyd left it all behind, but he said he was standing on that scripture about raising up a child in the way he should go, and when he is older he won’t depart from it. But doesn’t it seem like he’s already departed?”
          “You can always come back. I think if the seeds are planted when you are young, at some point those seeds bear fruit. You know that I left God for a while after I got pregnant with you. It wasn’t until your Dad convinced me to start going to church again

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