Seducing Anne

Seducing Anne by Lynch Marti, Chanse Lowell, Shenani Whatagans Page A

Book: Seducing Anne by Lynch Marti, Chanse Lowell, Shenani Whatagans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynch Marti, Chanse Lowell, Shenani Whatagans
    “Why would we do that? And whose clothing do you plan to take on my behalf?” He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “Harry’s, of course. He will not notice,” she said, extending her hand out to him.
    “I would rather wear the clothes of a beggar than take to his clothing.”
    She blinked and made a scraping noise at the back of her throat. Her jaw flexed.
    “I will allow you to skip dinner then, but not supper. The king would expect you to be there, and I would, too.”
    He grinned. “And why would he notice if I was gone?”
    “Because I would—and I would tell him that one of his new subjects at court is ignoring the rules of diplomacy.” She shifted her weight toward the door.
    “Ah, I see . . .” He circled her. “So, you would compromise yourself by informing him you have business with me?”
    She pressed her lips together, her face pinched and her cheeks flushed. “Please—my lord. Please . . . Why must you be so difficult?”
    “I am doing nothing other than helping you to be true to yourself. Now, be honest—why do you want me there? Is it due to our arrangement?” He stepped into her and played with a lock of her hair, brought it up to his nose and inhaled. “Lavender and you— hypnotic .” His heart pounded at the scent of her.
    “You, sir, are distracting,” she said, watching him fingering her tresses.
    “And you, fair lady, are avoiding answering my question. So, I repeat—why do you want me there?”
    “I . . . I could use a friend. Harry’s court is vexing at times, and though I am the accomplished actress and can charm the courtiers, I do not really enjoy their company. I am not truly one of them.”
    “Are you saying you have an accord with me?” His right brow slipped up to his forehead.
    “Please, Moore. Will you come—for me ?” Her voice broke at the end.
    His stance widened, and he gripped her hair at the nape. “I will make a deal with you, Anne.”
    She swallowed and wore the most innocent, pleading look he’d ever seen. His heart raced even harder when he gazed into those dark eyes.
    “I will make you a deal, Mistress Anne. If you will promise to call me sir or my lord from now on and refuse to give the king those titles, then yes, I will be there. And I shall call you my little lavender, since you have an affinity for it.”
    Her breath barely escaped her, and she looked ready to fall over from the shock.
    “What say you? Have we an agreement?”
    “I suppose we do,” she said, her eyes widening. “Will you be in attendance at supper and sit by me?”
    “We never agreed to where I would be placed.” He leaned in, rubbed his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear, “You want to barter for that as well?”
    “You have a requirement for everything,” she said with a groan.
    “And you are in my private chambers, even though you said that would not take place until one of us had capitulated and kissed the other. Are you ready to snap already? Did you come here for a kiss?” He blew across her ear.
    “It will not be I that fails—but you.”
    “And yet you plead for me to sit with you and dote on you and be at your table, at your side.” He stepped away and gave her a measured look.
    “Never think I am here for you. It is always about the king and how to advance myself in his favor.”
    His hand lashed out, and he gripped her wrist. “If that is the case, then you have no need of me.” His thumb stroked circles on her wrist. “You have a magic all your own and are most becoming in this color.”
    “You like red?” Her voice shook again, though her face was impassive.
    “On you—I think I shall like anything at all, but even more so, if your dress is puddled at your feet, good lady.”
    Her breathing stopped, and she closed her eyes while her jaw tightened once more. “Why did I ever ask for your assistance? You are a fiend.”
    “Yes—you have that effect on me.” His hand flew, and swaaaat !
    His hand stung a

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