The Contract: Sunshine

The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Page B

Book: The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shiree McCarver
thick straight hair.
    She could have gladly died right there inhaling his essence if she didn’t have the piggyback ride to look forward to.  She hampered her feeling of giddiness before she made a complete fool of herself by bouncing on his back and yelling “giddy up” like he was really a pony.
    Turning her so she could breathe, he comfortably settled her against his neck and ear.
    Without warning, Yoon reached behind his back and slung his arms beneath her legs until her feet and ankles were dangling.  When he stood, she felt butterflies in her lower stomach and squealed.
    “Oh my ear!”  He winced.
    “Sorry,” she laughed.
    “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
    “Aren’t you supposed to?”  She asked.
    “I don’t know,” Yoon replied.  “I never really thought about it.”
    “Yeah, well I guess it isn’t quite the same if you’re the one doing the carrying,” she said.
    He hoisted her higher on his waist and reached behind to link his hands together under her bottom like some makeshift seat and she gasped as she felt his bunched up jacket between her legs.
    It was a reminder of her earlier lustful thoughts and she had to stop the natural call as old as time and roll her hips against him to seek her pleasure. 
    One jarring step.  Then another.  Her sensitive aroused clitoris rubbed against the seam of her pants now taunt from the spread of her thighs.
    Sunshine sucked in her bottom lip to keep from moaning.  Her nose nuzzled against his ear and she heard a swift intake of breath.  She wasn’t sure if it was him or her own.
    Does he know? She wondered with embarrassment.
    She grunted.
    “We’re almost there,” he assured her with a husky voice.
    “Yessss,” she sighed hotly against his ear.  She felt his shoulders tense.  Were his fingers stroking her bottom or was it wishful thinking?
    “Sunshine,” he breathed. 
    Unable to resist since she was so close to that longed-for relief, she pretended the need to tighten her hold around his neck to keep from slipping.  She would use any excuse to move her lower body against him. 
    Oh God .  His fingers felt were so close.  Touch me ; she silently willed.  Her clitoris was yearning...begging...screaming to be stroked.
    “Yoon,” Sunshine moaned hotly against his ear.
    “Yes,” he answered in a strained voice.
    “May...maybe you should put me down now,” she managed.  Her eyes watered from the tense straining of trying not to move again.
    “Not yet.”
    She cried out as he hoisted her high again.  She was so sensitive it was almost painful.
    “Yoon...Yoon...” she practically sobbed his name as she rubbed her nose against his ear, into his hair. 
    They were getting  near to the end of the building before it left the private restaurant alley and opened up to the front entrance.  They were so close they could hear the laughing teasing voices of the valet attendants floating in the cool night breeze.
    Yoon veered off the brick path towards the brick wall of the building they were passing.  He eased her back against the wall until she was snugly against the wall and her hold loosened on his neck.  Before Sunshine knew it, they were face to face and his body was grinding against her.
    “Sunshine,” he gruffly groaned her name before pressing his mouth to hers to swallow her moans and sighs.   He pulled back to look at her their noses touching.   “This is crazy!  I’ve never done anything like this before.”
    “Neither have I,” she puffed.  “ Please don’t stop now.  I need...I need...”
    “I know.  Me too.”
    Not a button or zipper was open and not an ounce of flesh was showing with the exception of their faces and hands but Sunshine would swear it was the hottest journey towards an orgasm she’d ever exp e rienced in her sexual life.  She didn’t know if it was the man she was with or the situation that the man had her in that was driving her passion.
    As they moved against each other, he

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