The Past Through Tomorrow

The Past Through Tomorrow by Robert A. Heinlein Page A

Book: The Past Through Tomorrow by Robert A. Heinlein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert A. Heinlein
States Academy of Transport. That is the reason why the transport engineers are a semi-military profession, with strict discipline. We are the bottle neck, the sine qua non , of all industry, all economic life. Other industries can go on strike, and only create temporary and partial dislocations. Crops can fail here and there, and the country takes up the slack. But if the roads stop rolling, everything else must stop; the effect would be the same as a general strike—with this important difference: It takes a majority of the population, fired by a real feeling of grievance, to create a general strike; but the men that run the roads, few as they are, can create the same complete paralysis.
    “We had just one strike on the roads, back in ‘seventy-six. It was justified, I think, and it corrected a lot of real abuses—but it mustn’t happen again.”
    “But what is to prevent it happening again, Mr. Gaines?”
    “Morale— esprit de corps . The technicians in the road service are indoctrinated constantly with the idea that their job is a sacred trust. Besides which we do everything we can to build up their social position. But even more important is the Academy. We try to turn out graduate engineers imbued with the same loyalty, the same iron self-discipline, and determination to perform their duty to the community at any cost, that Annapolis and West Point and Goddard are so successful in inculcating in their graduates.”
    “Goddard? Oh, yes, the rocket field. And have you been successful, do you think?”
    “Not entirely, perhaps, but we will be. It takes time to build up a tradition. When the oldest engineer is a man who entered the Academy in his ’teens, we can afford to relax a little and treat it as a solved problem.”
    “I suppose you are a graduate?”
    Gaines grinned. “You flatter me—I must look younger than I am. No, I’m a carry-over from the army. You see, the Department of Defense operated the roads for some three months during reorganization after the strike in ’seventy-six. I served on the conciliation board that awarded pay increases and adjusted working conditions, then I was assigned—”
    The signal light of the portable telephone glowed red. Gaines said, “Excuse me,” and picked up the handset. “Yes?”
    Blekinsop could overhear the voice at the other end. “This is Davidson, Chief. The roads are rolling.”
    “Very well. Keep them rolling!”
    “Had another trouble report from the Sacramento Sector.”
    “Again? What this time?”
    Before Davidson could reply he was cut off. As Gaines reached out to dial him back, his coffee cup, half full, landed in his lap. Blekinsop was aware, even as he was rocked against the edge of the table, of a disquieting change in the hum of the roadway.
    “What has happened, Mr. Gaines?”
    “Don’t know. Emergency stop—God knows why.” He was dialling furiously. Shortly he flung the phone down, without bothering to return the handset to its cradle. “Phones are out. Come on! No—You’ll be safe here. Wait.”
    “Must I?”
    “Well, come along then, and stick close to me.” He turned away, having dismissed the Australian cabinet minister from his mind. The strip ground slowly to a stop, the giant rotors and myriad rollers acting as fly wheels in preventing a disastrous sudden stop. Already a little knot of commuters, disturbed at their evening meal, were attempting to crowd out the door of the restaurant.
    There is something about a command issued by one who is used to being obeyed which enforces compliance. It may be intonation, or possibly a more esoteric power, such as animal tamers are reputed to be able to exercise in controlling ferocious beasts. But it does exist, and can be used to compel even those not habituated to obedience.
    The commuters stopped in their tracks.
    Gaines continued, “Remain in the restaurant until we are ready to evacuate you. I am the Chief Engineer. You will be in no danger here. You!” He

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