0449474001339292671 4 fighting faer

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slap, either. She curled her hand into a tight fist and planted him one. He responded by cursing in a language she didn’t recognize and getting a better grip on her wrist this time.
    “I’ll get off you when I’m good and ready,” he said, rearing up to avoid her snapping teeth, “and that’s not going to be until you calm down and listen to reason.”
    “Reason with this!” Bucking madly, she launched her knee toward his groin, hoping to send his balls careening into his throat, but all she hit was smooth thigh. The man had reflexes like a cat on speed.
    Before she could even swear about missing, he had her flipped onto her stomach, with her wrists pinned together behind her and his free hand wrapped around a fistful of her dark hair. The bastard even put his knee in the small of her back to keep her still.
    “See what happens when you refuse to behave like a civilized adult?” As God was her witness, he would pay for that tone of voice. “Who are you to talk about civilized?” she demanded through clenched teeth. “At least I’m human.” He laughed at her. “And you think humanity is the highest pinnacle of civilization? Baby, you have got a whole lot to learn, but I don’t really have the time to teach you.”
    “If you’re in such a damned rush, how about letting me go and getting the hell out of my apartment.”
    “I can’t. I wasn’t lying about needing your help.”
    Her jaw would have dropped in shock if her face hadn’t been pinned to the sofa cushions. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You honestly think I would help you now? What sort of crack are you smoking?”
    “A different brand from you, obviously. Do you get some sort of charge out of acting like an unreasonable brat?”
    “Brat?” She had to be hearing things, right? Because he could not have just called her a brat. “Excuse me, Mr. It’s-So-Mature-To-Solve-An-Interpersonal-Conflict-With-Physical-Force, but I think you’re losing sight of the big picture here. How am I the one acting like a brat, when you’re the one who lied to me, seduced me, turned out to be something other than human after vowing to me you weren’t, and is now pinning me down to my own sofa and practically twisting my arms out of their sockets?”
    “First off, unless you have some old shoulder injury you haven’t told me about, I’m putting absolutely no strain on your arms by holding them this way.” He gave her a second to respond, but she kept stubbornly silent. She was not in the mood to tell him he was right.
    Page 27

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    “Secondly,” he continued, “I never said I was human; I just said I wasn’t a vampire or a werewolf. And I’m not. And third, I wouldn’t be pinning you to your sofa if I thought for one second I could trust you to sit up and talk to me like a reasonable being.”
    Corinne growled. “You haven’t addressed the lying.”
    “I was getting to that, but I was going to give you the opportunity to behave before I got to the complicated parts.”
    She sneered. Into the sofa. Which sort of ruined the effect. “How generous of you.”
    “Can it.”
    He moved quickly, pulling her up to her knees, shifting her pinned hands in front of her and dropping her onto her ass. At least now she was sitting up, but he still kept a firm grip on her wrists, and now she could see the ticked off expression on his face. She wasn’t ready to admit that he had any reason to be ticked off.
    “If you can sit here and listen like an adult, I won’t pin you again, but if you try to run or hit me, you’re going back down. Understood?” He just sat and stared at her, obviously waiting for a response. She managed a disgruntled nod. “Good. Now, about the lying.” She glared up at him. “Yes, let’s discuss the lying.”
    “Give it a rest, Corinne. What would you have done? I needed your help and I knew you don’t trust Others. It was the easiest way for all of

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