always thought to himself that nobody had ever outsmarted him, but somebody did it, and that somebody was a Indian named Desert Fox. Mark his words, he will get the last laugh or die trying, finding him and killing him once and for all. Right now, they are too far from Cold Creek, so it’s best to go back before any of the Texas Rangers or somebody else takes them in, like a bounty hunter.
W eek passed. Mayor Jacobson finally got a letter from the governor, and they would pick Robert Donner up right away. Everybody in town heard the good news and was glad that justice was helping each and every one of them. But by now Thomas “The Killer” has heard what happened, and he’s going to get even one way or the other.
Every day for the past week, Thomas looked through Cold Creek to see when they were moving Robert so he could save him from being hung to death by the government. Thomas wanted revenge on those Indians for trying to take him and his gang on, and he knew right away that Desert Fox was getting the last laugh. But soon Thomas would get the last laugh.
It’s Friday by now, and Thomas is waiting for them to take Robert out of the jail cell. At high noon it happened, so he gang got ready. There’s about ten Texas Rangers taking him to another state to face the judge for all his murders, and Thomas and the gang are ready to follow them for a good old-fashioned hung.
Ten miles north of Cold Creek, Thomas and the gang are right behind the Rangers. Then as fast as they can, Thomas and his gang are right behind them, and they don’t even notices them. All of them got out their guns and started to shoot at them in cold blood, and in less than a second the Rangers were on the ground bleeding to death, but there was no one to help them at all.
“Thanks, guys. I don’t know what I’ll do without you guys,” said Robert.
“Don’t worry about it. Now let’s get out of there and leave these Texas Rangers to die,” said Thomas.
“All right, let’s get out of here,” said Robert.
Frank untied Robert and took all of the Rangers’ guns for some extra bullets for any kind of showdown. Robert is glad that he’s still a free man and won’t have to worry about getting hanged on any rope for a very long time. Right now all of them are getting back to Cold Creek without any trouble.
Thomas sure is wishing to see on the looks on the faces of everybody in town when they see what he ahs done to save one of his gang-murdering all those innocent Texas Rangers. Sooner or later, all of them will find out and give the message to Desert Fox that he’s coming after him to kill him.
Right now back at Cold Creek, everybody is safe and sound, thinking they may go outside to have a little fun for a change. But they’re not getting their hopes up knowing that Thomas “The Killer” is out here planning to do God knows what to them. It’s nighttime, so everybody is sound asleep knowing that they might get up in the middle of the night with a shooting.
It’s eleven o’clock at night when without any warning there’s a shooting all over town and through the windows. Everybody got up, scared half to death. When al of them got near their broken windows, they got a surprise bigger than any surprise they have ever had in their life.
All of them saw Robert Donner escaped from those Texas Rangers. Most likely the gang killed each and every one of them. It was like those gangsters had no souls inside of them. Every man, woman, and child stayed low so none of them could get injured, or much worse, get killed.
Everybody saw what happened, even D.H. It’s best to stay indoors for tonight, and tomorrow D.H. is going to warn Desert Fox that Thomas’s gang helped Robert to escape those Texas Rangers. After a few minutes passed, all of those gangsters left Cold Creek. But they will be back for sure, and this time it’s personal.
Morning came. Almost everybody got up late since there was a shooting last night. The only
D. W. Ulsterman
Karen Moehr
Maureen Lee
Stephani Hecht
Jason Fried
Michael W. Sheetz
Lynnette Austin
Delilah Fawkes
Kristen James
Maria Hudgins