A Cantata of Love (The Code Breakers 4)
the English aristocracy would be a small, intimate world as in Paris. Of course, with the war between England and France, she couldn’t be sure how often they would meet as polite strangers.
    Gabby curtsied again. “Good day, Lady Henrietta.”
    Lady Henrietta’s face glowed in the afternoon sunshine. “I hope that you slept well.”
    “I did, my lady. Thank you for your generous hospitality.”
    Not known for her patience, Gabby had to bite her lip to prevent blurting out questions about her brother.
    “It is a fine summer day.”
    Lord Kendal’s teasing manner was gone. His eyes studied her, not flirting or laughing with her, but keeping a distance. He also recognized the end of their time together.
    She had known this moment would come, when she would have to give up her fantasies of a simple and happy life with him. The sorrow in his eyes was no less than what she was feeling. It was time for her to take her place with her brother. Time to say good-bye to the only man she had ever dreamed about.
    “Do you have news?” She tried to not sound as impatient as she felt.
    He took her arm and led her to the bench where his sister sat. “I do have news. I think it best if you sit down.”
    Gabby startled at the grave tone in Lord Kendal’s voice. His usually mischievous eyes were dim and filled with concern and pity. A chill swept over her skin. A foreboding. The same look her servants had given her when her mother had been escorted from their home, and she’d had to show no emotion at her mother’s suffering.
    Lady Henrietta took Gabby’s hand. Her glowing countenance now was clouded. Her eyes watery. Gabby trembled with the lady’s pitying expression. Her heart beat harder, faster.
    She looked back and forth between the grave and sympathetic looks. Deep dread settled into Gabby’s heart.
    No, this couldn’t be happening. She woke up this morning for the first time in a long time not afraid, without fear for her future.
    “Lucien?” The fear was strangling her voice. “Tell me.”
    She watched Lord Kendal swallow hard before he spoke. “I’m so sorry.”
    Gabby’s mind halted.
    “Your brother…” Lord Kendal shook his head. “He is dead.”
    It couldn’t possibly be true.
    “There has been a mistake.” The words echoed in her head as if she were speaking down a long tunnel.
    Lady Henrietta took her hand. “I’m sorry. Your brother was killed in a duel.”
    “Lucien is an amazing marksman.” Not able to look at the awful truth in their eyes, Gabby twisted the material of her skirt. Her mind refusing to believe anything these strangers said. “My brother never would have lost a duel.”
    Lord Kendal’s eyes and face were flat, contorted in sorrow. She looked away, not able to bear this world of loss and suffering.
    “Who told you this lie? How did you discover…?” Her voice quivered.
    “It is common knowledge in London,” Lady Henrietta said.
    Lord Kendal knelt on one knee before her. He took her hands between his. “I wish it weren’t true. If I could make your brother’s death not true, I would. I know how hard this terrible news is for you.”
    The dark, empty abyss was opening in front of her. Memories flashed before her. The screams. She opened her eyes wide, not looking at their faces, but looking up at the bright blue sky. Lucien was gone. There was nothing to do. The crippling pain would come later, like after her parents’ deaths. She had to do something right now or she would shatter into a thousand shards.
    “Can you take me to my brother’s residence?” She was alone. No family. Where would she go? “I’d like to speak to his servants.”
    Lady Henrietta squeezed her hand. Her voice was slow and comforting. “We will try to find where your brother resided and where his servants have gone. It will take time.”
    “Then I must speak to his solicitor. I’d like to go now.” She had to do something. She couldn’t be helpless again, waiting for everyone to decide her

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