A Convenient Bride

A Convenient Bride by Cheryl Ann Smith Page B

Book: A Convenient Bride by Cheryl Ann Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Ann Smith
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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let her mind trick her into feeling danger. The inn was behind her, and there was no sign that the men from last evening had followed them and intended to abscond with her.
    Brenna turned her face as the ornate coach sped past. She’d not risk recognition. Her family was well known in society.
    Richard urged his horse into a lope. Brenna did the same. She’d thought this hunt for his sister would be a grand adventure. She’d see England in a way she’d never experienced. When her family traveled, it was always by coach. They stayed at the finest inns, or at the fine homes of friends.
    Some adventure, this. He barely spoke to her.
    After another hour, she’d reached the last thread of patience. When he drew his horse to a walk, she nudged Brontes up beside him.
    “Are we heading for a particular destination, or are we just traveling north to Gretna Green with the hope of stumbling upon your sister?”
    Ashwood looked around them and up at the sky before answering. “I was delayed from the search for a few days. My steward has gone ahead to Scotland. If he has news, he will leave word at the inns he visits. The first, if I am not mistaken, is not far ahead.”
    Brenna hid her relief. Though she’d promised not to complain, she did have to take care of certain needs.
    The inn was small and tidy, and was far better than the one from last evening. Ashwood ordered a light repast and left Brenna at a table near a window. When he returned, he held a note that he tucked into his pocket.
    “Andrew is certain that Anne passed this way by coach,though there was no sign of Lockley. Perhaps they travel separately to keep from drawing attention.” He took a chair across from her. “She will do anything to thwart me.”
    “She is headstrong like her brother,” Brenna remarked, from behind the lip of her teacup.
    He frowned. “I do not understand how a woman with good breeding and intelligence could desire to marry a man of such low character.”
    “She must love him. Perhaps she sees something you do not.”
    The frown deepened. “He has had two wives that were still in the schoolroom when he wed them, and the first he divorced to take the younger, second bride, who died last year of a fever. He has ruined two other young women in our village, one of whom was only fourteen.” Ashwood shook his head. “Why he would want Anne is a mystery. At twenty-five, she is a full decade older than most of the girls he normally chooses.”
    The story left a sickening feeling inside Brenna. She did not know Anne but agreed with the viscount’s concerns. A man who abused innocents would ruin his sister’s life.
    She reached to place a hand over his. “We will find her.”
    They locked eyes for a moment, and then he pulled away and stood. “Since you are both foolish enough to run away from your families, the least I can do is see to your care while you’re under my protection and hope Anne is also safe.” He tossed some coins on the table. “We must go.”
    Brenna took a last sip of tea, shoved a biscuit into her pocket, and scurried after her companion.

Chapter Six

    I t was almost noon, and two more inns behind them, when Richard eased his horse off the road and into a field, where a narrow creek wound its way through the weedy expanse.
    They’d ridden hard, and the horses were tired. Truthfully, though he’d never admit it to Brenna, he needed rest, too. His back ached, and his eyes were losing focus. It was easier to use the horses as an excuse than to admit to his fatigue.
    “We’ll rest for a bit and eat.” He slid off the horse.
    He watched Brenna nod, her face weary. Her fortitude impressed him. Though he knew she had to be exhausted, she’d held to her promise and not complained.
    “You find a spot to sit, and I’ll retrieve the food,” he said, and watched her dismount. She wobbled slightly but locked her knees and stayed upright. He kept his attention on her, expecting her to crumple, and when she did not, he

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