A Cowboy in Disguise
had stopped.
    “Good news! Got the snowcat part in early and are heading up there in a few minutes. Get ready. You won’t have to spend another night up there,” the driver assured.
    Scott left the radio, but his smiled dropped as he looked at Alexandra. “Alex, I’m …”
    She put her hand up to stop his words from leaving his mouth. “Don’t say anything. We got caught up in the firelight and the seclusion, but nothing went too far. We have a presentation to give and a client to win. We have to concentrate on that. Just that.”
    Scott sighed. “What about after the presentation, Alex?”
    Alexandra felt another blush threaten and turned away from him. “I think we’d better get ready to go,” she whispered. “Reality is what it is, Scott.”
    “Maybe reality is what you make it.”
    “Do you ever run out of patience, or not know what you want?”
    He simply smiled in return.
    Their bags were packed and sitting by the door in very little time. The plow had made its way up to the cabins, and their ride wouldn’t be far behind. Soon they heard the sound of the motor chug up the road, and they ran out to meet the driver.
    “You two had quite the adventure,” called the driver. “Stranded in the mountains. Caught in an avalanche. Bet no one else in your office has that tale to tell.”
    Alexandra’s former demeanor had returned. “Certainly doesn’t help us progress much on our business deal, now does it? I imagine the potential client and our rivals have had a wonderful visit down there in the hotel for the past two days.”
    The driver helped them inside and slammed the door shut. “Nah. The guys from Rio Safari got snowed in at JFK, if you can believe that. Never even made it here. Those three from that other company ain’t had nothin ’ to do except sit in the lounge, stare at each other and hit the bourbon. Talk about a bust.”
    Alexandra felt a wave of relief pass through her. So Duncan hadn’t had the chance to orchestrate an advantage yet. Maybe things were taking a turn for the better after all.
    Scott asked, “Did Mac Stevens leave a message of any kind?”
    “Just apologies. Guess they’ll be calling you later, I’d imagine.”
    “Great.” Alexandra said, trying not to sound too annoyed. After all the time and expense getting here, David wasn’t going to be thrilled with the lack of results. She turned to look at Scott and wondered what he’d do if she ran her hand over the black stubble that flowed over his strong jaw line.
    The driver continued, “The bright side is that you all have tickets out of this place tomorrow.”
    Scott nudged Alexandra with his elbow. “Look at it this way—we’ll get to know the Zellez team a little more intimately.”
    “Goody,” Alexandra mumbled. “This just keeps getting better and better.”
    When one of the men from Zellez invited Scott and Alexandra to join them for dinner that evening, how could they politely refuse? The man had seemed so sincere and the hotel was nearly vacant due to the blizzard. As the only guests, there was no way Alexandra could have said no without being rude.
    She liked two of the men from Zellez and had an easy time talking with them. If Duncan bowed out, the meal might even have a chance at being pleasant.
    Alexandra dressed quickly in jeans and a purple turtleneck sweater and ran out to meet Scott in the hall. He walked at her side all the way to the lounge.
    “No matter what this Duncan fellow says, don’t worry. I’ve got your back,” he assured. “And I won’t even let on that I know about his legal shenanigans.”
    “That’s the least of my dread.”
    The five of them sat together at a rectangular table that was far too large for their small party. Alexandra was grateful she was seated as far from Duncan as the table would allow. The thought of looking at him made her think of throwing something all over again, and this time she’d bet a lovely salad fork would quite literally make a better

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