A CRY FROM THE DEEP by Unknown Page A

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Authors: Unknown
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reduced significantly.
    Daniel stared at Frank. “Did you tell her about Columbia?’
    Frank shot Daniel a look, shaking his head. Obviously, Daniel had revealed more than he should have.
    Catherine’s brow tensed. “What about Columbia?”
    Frank sighed. “There’s one thing I didn’t tell you.”
    “Oh, great. He’s a drug smuggler, too?”
    Daniel didn’t smile. “Hennesey is still battling the Columbian government over another ship he found loaded with loot. He flew the treasures home before the authorities got wind of his discovery. Where they’re hidden, no one knows.”
    She thought about it for a moment. “They’re probably in a number of private collections by now. What proof do you have that he did any of this?”
    Frank shifted in his chair. “One of the divers working with him confessed to the authorities, but unfortunately there was no recording and on top of that, he’s since died of a heart attack.”
    “How convenient,” said Catherine.
    Daniel nodded. “You might say that.”
    She arched her eyebrows. “What about the other divers that were with him?”
    Frank snorted. “There were no other witnesses, at least none that were willing to testify. But based on what they suspect, the Columbian government is going ahead anyway. The way it looks, I’m afraid our pirate is going to win this case, too.”
    “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”
    Frank looked contrite as he said, “I was afraid you wouldn’t have come if you knew.”
    “So why tell me now?”
    Daniel exchanged glances with Frank before saying, “You need to know what you’re up against.”
    Catherine looked at both men. “Hennesey won’t want any photos or videos that could incriminate him, so he’s not going to be sloppy.”
    “You’re right,” said Daniel. “It could be dangerous. He could have a number of unscrupulous criminals standing by, waiting for any gold antiquity he uncovers.”
    Catherine’s brow furrowed. “I don’t get it. If you know all this, why are you going along with this dive?”
    “Good question,” said Frank, folding his arms. “With or without coverage, Hennesey would be out there plundering. At least this way, we’d have a chance of exposing him.”
    Daniel added, “With our involvement, there’s at least a small chance we could keep him on an honest path. Either way, you’ll get some sensational photos, Frank will get his story, and I’ll have assurance history will be preserved.”  
    Catherine leaned forward. “But if we go along with this, I mean, work alongside of him, aren’t we being complicit in any crime he commits?”
    “It’s a slippery slope,” said Daniel. “All we can do is hope it won’t come to any criminal proceedings where we’d have to testify. Not that I’d be afraid to. I’ve done it before. But if I’m right, and there are some creeps waiting in the wings, it could be daunting coming up against high-paid lawyers who know all the angles. I only hope Frank’s wrong and Hennesey is above board for once in his life.”
    She frowned. “So the bottom line is you’re there to make him look good and I’m there to give him National Geographic ’s seal of approval. Lovely.”
    “It’s not how I’d phrase it,” said Daniel, “but it’s probably what Hennesey thinks. He likes the publicity we can bring to the game, and publicity brings buyers, crooked or not.”
    “Jesus, Frank. You should’ve told me.”
    “I know.” He looked sheepish, but added, “How about it, Catherine?”
    A ping-pong match between yes and no was going on in her head. She hesitated and then said, “When is Hennesey scheduled to go?”
    “In a couple of months.”
    Could she be ready by then? There was no guarantee about her personal safety, but she could at least rely on these two men for support. Frank was the father she’d always wanted. And Daniel, well, there was something about the way his black hair curled at the nape of his neck that made her want to

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