A Fatal Waltz

A Fatal Waltz by TASHA ALEXANDER Page A

Book: A Fatal Waltz by TASHA ALEXANDER Read Free Book Online
Tags: Fiction, Historical
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moderation. If he thought—” I stopped at the sound of raised voices coming from the edge of the field.
    “That’s quite enough, Brandon.” Lord Fortescue’s face was a brighter-than-usual shade of red as he walked towards the rest of the group.
    “Sir, I’m—” Robert’s reply was interrupted at once.
    “What you are is not trustworthy.” His voice strained as it grew louder. “You had no business speaking to Gladstone.”
    “I only thought—”
    “I don’t remember giving you permission to think. Get out of my sight.” He threw down the rifle he was holding and stalked towards the pavilion, turning back once to look at Robert. “Go!”Robert hesitated for a moment, nodded at his wife, and set off in the direction of the house. Ivy started to follow him, but a quick shake of his head told her to stop, which she did, wavering as she stood. Colin moved to her side at once and steadied her.
    “What happened?” I asked, joining them as the rest of the party looked on in shocked silence.
    “They’ve been arguing all morning. Your husband and Lord Fortescue don’t share the same views on the Irish situation. Evidently Mr. Gladstone learned that and approached Brandon looking for support for a Home Rule bill. Fortescue, as you might imagine, does not approve of his allies speaking to the opposition.”
    “What a dreadful scene,” Ivy said, her face blanched, hands trembling. “Everyone’s staring.”
    “Fortescue shouldn’t have reprimanded him in public,” Colin said.
    “He shouldn’t have reprimanded him at all. I don’t see that Robert’s done anything wrong,” I said. The count approached us, smiling.
    “My dear Mrs. Brandon, Lord Fortescue’s temper is notorious. Think nothing of this little incident. Come, join me for lunch. This will all blow over in no time.”
    Ivy took his arm and gave a brave smile. “You’re right, of course,” she said. They walked ahead of Colin and me.
    “Is he right? Will this blow over?” I asked.
    “Fortescue’s not the sort to forgive what he views as a lapse in loyalty. Robert’s career will face a serious obstacle if he loses his mentor’s support.”
    A luncheon following such an event could not be pleasant, despite the fact that the spread before us was lovely. The pavilion itself was rustic, formed from unhewn logs, but the tables inside were decorated with every bit of finery: bright flowers cascaded from tall silver vases, and the flatware that surrounded each set of porcelain plates was polished to a nearly blinding shine. But all thebeauty in the world could not cut through the tension engulfing us. Which was fitting, considering that I planned to take the opportunity to confront Mr. Harrison.
    “Why did you do it?” I asked, sitting in a chair next to his.
    “Do what?” His smile took away none of the coldness from his eyes.
    “I suppose you’re just another of Lord Fortescue’s lackeys,” I said. “I should have known better than to believe that you would be here if you weren’t in his good graces. You were invited to help him in his quest to destroy me.”
    He laughed. “Destroy you? How pre-Copernican! The universe does not, in fact, revolve around you, Lady Ashton. It revolves around the sun. You give yourself too much importance. Fortescue’s merely trying to free Hargreaves for his daughter—a crime no worse than those plotted daily by mothers in drawing rooms across England.”
    “Why did you steal my bracelet and leave it in Lord Fortescue’s room?”
    “I couldn’t risk letting him know that I’m the one who wanted the papers.”
    “But you don’t have the papers. You gave them back to him.”
    “I copied all the essential information from them. Our plan worked flawlessly.”
    “For you, perhaps,” I said. “I’m somewhat less pleased. Don’t try to involve me in another of your schemes.”
    “My dear Lady Ashton, if I need your assistance, I’ll have no trouble persuading you to help me.”

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