A Few Good Men

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Book: A Few Good Men by Cat Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
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don’t be silly. Besides, you have cleavage for days in that dress, and with your obvious attitude regarding this date tonight, you’ll need every advantage you can get.”
    Maureen scowled. “Fine. I’ll be over in an hour.”
    “I’ll see you here.”
    “Oh, one more thing. What are the lucky dates’ names?” Maybe if she started trying to remember them now, she wouldn’t forget in the middle of dinner. That had happened to her once or twice already.
    “Bruce and Wayne.”
    Maureen started to giggle. “Are they picking up the Batmobile from the Batcave on the way over?” Sometimes too much caffeine made her more giggly than an excessive amount of alcohol. Apparently tonight was one of those times. She found herself wiping the tears of laugher from her eyes and trying to catch her breath.
    “What in the world are you talking about?” Peter asked not so indulgently.
    “You know…Bruce Wayne. Batman’s real name.”
    “Ah, yes, Batman, the first gay superhero. How could I forget?” She heard his short laugh over the phone.
    “Do you really think so? Mmm. You could be right. I’ve often wondered about the whole Batman-Robin relationship dynamic and the tights. Although Superman and Spiderman both wore those too.”
    “Are you procrastinating getting dressed or are you really as enthralled with the fashion choices and sexual leanings of twentieth century superheroes as you seem?”
    A little of both actually . “Okay, I’m going. See you later.”

Chapter Six
    “So, Bruce, Peter told me you enjoy musical theater. I’m so behind on seeing the new shows. Have you seen anything good lately?”
    Bruce, who had just sipped delicately at his sickeningly sweet-looking green apple martini, fluttered his hand excitedly as he swallowed. “Actually, I have. Wayne and I got front row tickets to the new Nathan Lane show. Oh my God. I laughed so hard I thought I would pee my pants. Wasn’t that right, Wayne?”
    Bruce slapped Wayne’s arm playfully to get his attention, which elicited a dramatic eye roll in response. “You have to understand, Maureen. Bruce practically pees his pants at every show he sees. I nearly bought him adult diapers as a birthday gift.”
    Bruce scowled. “So anyway, our friend is in the chorus of the new show Disney has on Broadway and has tons of connections. If you need tickets for anything, just give me or Wayne a call.”
    She might actually take Bruce up on that offer. Maureen caught Peter’s eye and smiled. She was having a great time. She would freely admit that to him later.
    The trendy new restaurant was the hottest ticket in town at the moment, and Wayne had managed to get them not only reservations but also a great table—one right in the front bay window that overlooked the bustling city street outside. The food was fabulous. Wayne knew the chef personally and ordered for them all, which on a normal date would have pissed her off, but for some reason it didn’t this time because she loved everything he ordered for her.
    However, there was one problem with this whole scenario, quite an insurmountable one, and that was that Wayne was Peter’s gay date and Bruce was her supposedly straight one. Everyone at the table of four seemed to know he was gay except for Bruce himself.
    If the goal for the evening had been to find a man who was easy to talk to, funny and enjoyed what she did, then the evening could be considered a resounding success. Since she already had Peter for all of that and the goal had been to find the love of her life, or a guy she could date or at least sleep with for a while… Well, it was obvious that was not happening tonight.
    “Can I get anyone anything else?”
    The waiter standing next to Maureen knocked her out of her ponderings. She glanced sideways at him, getting an eyeful of a tight young ass in black polyester. Her gaze traveled upward to his face. Too young. Way, way too young. She stifled a sigh at herself for even considering it, but she

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