A Fox's Family

A Fox's Family by Brandon Varnell Page B

Book: A Fox's Family by Brandon Varnell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandon Varnell
Tags: Humor, Fiction
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bunch, especially when
angered. Trust me. I’ve been doing this for years.”
wait, wait, wait, wait!”
his second wind, Eric stared at the woman in shock. “You mean
to tell me that you’ve been peeping on girls in the locker room
for years? Seriously?!”
chest swelled with pride. “Of course! I’ve been peeping
for years for my research and inspiration!”
right. You see, I am not just a pervert who enjoys peeping on women
in the locker rooms. Everything I do is for the sake of my art.”
held a clenched fist up to her face. “I am the trailblazer,
paving the way for men and women everywhere who enjoy reading about
sexy shenanigans and bouncing boobies! I am an author! A writer of
erotica! Peeping is my passion and writing is my craft, and I will
hone both until I become a master!”
the end of her speech, Heather had raised her clenched right fist
into the air. The fire in her eyes, the physical manifestation of her
determination and lustful desires, had turned into a raging inferno.
Bright orange flames surrounded her body, a conflagration wreathing
her in a strange, Saiyan-esque blaze of energy derived from her own
perverse intentions.
was in awe. This woman was truly a pervert among perverts. And she
was a woman to boot! A hot woman! That alone caused her Pervy Power
Levels to rise past 9,000!
bowed before this messiah, getting down on his hands and knees,
bowing so low that his nose scraped the tiled floor. “Oh, great
and powerful one, please take me under your wing! I wish to learn
your ways! Please share your knowledge with me!”
smiled benevolently. “Very well. Rise, my young apprentice.
Rise and follow me into the world of perversity and peeping! It is
only through me that you shall become a master!”
newly appointed master and apprentice smiled at each other, glad to
have finally found someone they could share their salacious antics
moment of bonding, which would have been touching had the pair’s
antics not been borderline criminal, was interrupted when a horde of
furious females turned a corner.
they are! Get ‘em, girls!”
god! They found us! Run for it!”
Eric and Heather began to run, the blond-haired assistant PE coach
turned to her apprentice.
then, apprentice, I believe it is time for me to teach you my first
somehow managed to look incredulous. “What? Now?”
time like the present.”
looked behind him at the horde of outraged high school girls, and
then back at his new master.
okay. So, uh, what’s this lesson you want to teach me?”
nodded, pleased to see someone so receptive to her teachings.
“Whenever you are being hunted by a mob of angry women, you
never have to outrun the mob. You just have to outrun the person next
to you.”
he could decipher that statement, Heather stuck her foot out and Eric
suddenly found himself eating pavement. Ignoring the pain, he looked
up at the blonde woman, who grinned and winked at him, before hauling
butt out of there.
then the horde was upon him.
we’ve got you!”
think we’re going to let you get away with this!”
damn pervert! DIE!”
shrill screams echoed across the campus.
sat on the bleachers, waiting for her mate’s track meet to
around her people spoke with increasingly rising volume. Having so
many people talking at once, all of them trying to be heard over the
other, caused her eardrums to hurt something fierce. While her ears
weren’t as sensitive as a dog’s, they were still better
than human ears.
“Go Beloved!”
was conspicuously absent. She would have brought it with her, but
didn’t know where it was anymore. She had asked Kevin, but he’d
just looked away and said that she must have misplaced it

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