A Handful of Pebbles

A Handful of Pebbles by Sara Alexi Page B

Book: A Handful of Pebbles by Sara Alexi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Alexi
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people stroll around boys who are engaged in a frantic game of football. In the corner is a wide-spreading plane tree, with some of its branches supported by wooden struts, and in its shade are plump, white-cushioned wickerwork chairs arranged around marble-topped tables.
    ‘ I guess this is it,’ Laurence says. Sarah begins searching for her boys’ familiar faces, for that first glimpse that will pull her heart into her mouth and make her lose all sense of self.
    ‘ There!’ She points and moves at the same time.
    ‘ Joss! Finn.’ Finn stands and flings his arms around her. He looks so well and so happy. ‘Wow, you look amazing, Finn. Joss!’ She turns to her eldest. His arms are slower but the hug is more powerful. Finn is shaking hands with Laurence, and Joss breaks his hug to do the same.
    ‘ Hello Pru. Hi Helena. How are you feeling? Are you nervous?’ Sarah asks.
    ‘ Hello Mrs Quauyle.’ Pru holds out her hand to be shaken. It seems overly formal and Sarah wonders if she should suggest Pru call her Sarah. Pru is so groomed, finished.
    ‘ Hi Sarah.’ Helena interrupts and pulls her into a hug and kisses her on both cheeks. She smells of suntan cream and her embrace is warm and heartfelt. Sarah is aware of her own stiffness and awkwardness in comparison.
    They pull up chairs and sit, Joss enquiring about some shares suggested to Laurence, Finn asking Helena if she is comfortable.
    ‘How was the trip?’ Sarah asks Pru, stealing glances at Joss, scrutinising for any changes, marks of struggle or bliss.
    ‘ Long.’ Pru takes out a packet of cigarettes and lights one, blowing smoke above everyone’s head.
    ‘ Ti thelete paidia ?’ A white-shirted waiter stands loose limbed at Sarah’s side. She looks from Pru to Joss to Finn to Helena to find someone who understands.
    ‘ Okay, what do we want, guys?’ Helena asks. They all look blank and the waiter steps away and returns with drinks and snacks menus.
    Sarah ’s hunger is forgotten, replaced with such joy at seeing her sons. Finn looks so happy, energised, Helena by his side. They order, and Sarah drinks in the conversations that buzz around her. Joss teasing Finn with his dry, straight-faced humour about how easy it is to establish yourself in Britain compared to the US. Laurence is asking Pru how her work is. She has recently been promoted again in her company; she is explaining what she does now.
    Helena turns to her . ‘I am so glad you are here. When are you coming up to the house? It’s chaos. My yiayia wants to do all the cooking herself and is driving us all crazy with tasting spoons of this and spoons of that. Mama says she is too old, she has never catered for five hundred and she shouldn’t start now. Some second cousins from Australia came last night, and my uncles come today from America.’ Her words almost slur, she speaks so fast and with such energy.
    Sarah feels out of breath just listening to her.
    ‘The flower people are saying there is a problem with the flowers and we may have to use Ruscus leaves instead of Smokebush, but to be honest, I really don’t think it is a deal breaker.’ Helena pauses to take a sip of her frappe. Sarah has also ordered a cold coffee, this time trying it glyko — sweet.
    ‘ Have you got your dress yet?’ Sarah squeezes the question in just as Helena is about to say more. She can see why Finn is attracted to her, with so much energy but, really, she is almost too much.
    ‘ Oh, it is to die for.’ Helena’s hand raises to her chest. She sucks in her lower lip and looks to the skies.
    Pru ’s head turns.
    ‘ I saw a shop with wedding dresses in the window on the way here,’ Pru says. ‘Greek taste is very, um, interesting,’ She inhales on her cigarette and then her jaw pushes forward and bottom lip extends as she blows smoke above Helena’s head. ‘The one in the window was all net bodice and diamante. It was so, how shall we say,’ she pauses for effect, ‘bold.’
    Helena ’s eyes

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