A Hero to Dance With Me

A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Page B

Book: A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
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around him. As if she weighed nothing, he carefully moved so that she lay on her back on the couch with him over her. For long, long moments, they lay like that simply looking at one another. Elle was wound so tight she thought she’d go mad if he didn’t do something fast. He still held her tightly, bracing his weight on one arm so he didn’t crush her, but his delicious heaviness still pinned her to the couch. Was she a freak for loving that?
    “I want you so badly I ache,” he rasped, his face tight with tension, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’d give anything to just strip you down so that hot little body was naked and ready for me.” Elle swallowed. She should be protesting or something. Right? “I’d taste that sweet pussy again before fucking you until neither of us could stand.” He rocked against her, his cock rubbing against her sex through both their jeans, hitting her clit with every stroke. “You need gentle, so I’d do my best to be,” he continued, his lips trailing across her cheek to her ear. “But I’m not a gentle man. Before the night was over, I’d take you rough, ride that little body of yours so hard you screamed when you came.”
    Just like that, she was lost. Pleasure seemed to come out of nowhere, her clit pulsing where the hard ridge of his cock pressed against her. Her hands slid up to grip his shoulders, her legs tightening around him. Unable to suppress her cries of passion, Jezelle clung to him, squeezing her eyes shut as the spasms coursed through her and the pleasure sent her flying to that elusive place she’d only ever found with Steve Carver.
    Somewhere deep in Steve’s mind, he knew he shouldn’t have taken that kiss any farther. Now that she clung to him trying to catch her breath, he couldn’t bring himself to be sorry. Oh, she’d come to herself and give him hell in a few minutes, but it was worth it. Steve knew he was no closer to winning her than he’d been before, but giving her pleasure just seemed…right.
    He stroked her hair, her cheek, praising her for her body’s responsiveness the way he could never do with words. Jezelle blinked several times, obviously trying her best to focus on him. She even shook her head slightly before meeting his gaze with clear eyes.
    “That was a dirty trick, Steve.” Her voice held no rancor though, her face soft instead of hard with fury. Or hurt.
    “I honestly didn’t mean for that to happen,” he said around a grin. “But I’d be lying if I said I was sorry.”
    “I meant what I said. Nothing’s changed. I still need time to think, to figure out what I want.” She sighed then, smiling. Her hand found his cheek and she brushed it tenderly with shaking fingers. “But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.”
    “I can live with that.” Steve kissed her again, lingering for long moments before he sat up, pulling her with him. “Besides, I’ve come up with a new plan of attack to win you back.”
    “Don’t worry. I’m not expecting anything from you. Not yet. I was just thinking about something my mother told me.” He shifted in his seat, unsure how to approach this with her. Jezelle had made it abundantly clear she wanted time, time that didn’t include him being in her life. “I know you have doubts. Given everything I put you through, I completely understand. All I’m asking for is a chance to make things right with you. Not for me. For us.” He took her hand because he couldn’t help himself. Kissing her palm, he closed his eyes, momentarily losing his train of thought. When he looked at her again, he saw hesitation in her gaze, but definitely interest as well. “My mother told me she and Dad didn’t exactly hit it off great at the beginning. But they had the same connection we have, the same…attraction. I have to believe this only happens once in a lifetime. I know I’ve never felt anything like what I feel for you. I can’t control it and I’m not

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