A History of the Roman World

A History of the Roman World by H. H. Scullard Page B

Book: A History of the Roman World by H. H. Scullard Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. H. Scullard
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conquer Carthage. But Scipio by his tactical reforms did not fear to meet Hannibal in the field and could use a strategy of annihilation. To defeat Hannibal in Italy might terminate the war, but Carthage would remain adanger. Hence he determined to disregard the enemy’s main forces, strike at their base and so force Hannibal to return to Africa to fight the decisive battle. And this policy won the day.
    Scipio began to train his new army in Sicily where his Hellenic sympathies and conduct won him ready support. His seizure of Locri from Hannibal had an unfortunate sequel, for Pleminius, the governor whom he left in charge, spent his time plundering the unhappy Locrians, and thus gave Fabius a chance to criticize the absent Scipio. A senatorial commission, headed by Scipio’s cousin Pomponius, was sent to conduct an enquiry. Pleminius was condemned, but when the court began to investigate Scipio’s Hellenic manner of life, he skilfully turned the tables by impressing them with his own military preparations. The Board, which had come to criticize, remained to bless, and in the spring of 204 the expeditionary force, numbering perhaps 30,000 men, set sail for Africa amid great enthusiasm.
    Scipio landed according to plan at Porto Farina near Utica, which he hoped to capture as a base. He was soon joined by Masinissa and his cavalry, the young Numidian prince with whom he had wisely negotiated in Spain, but not by Syphax, whom Hasdrubal had won to the Carthaginian cause by giving him his beautiful daughter Sophonisba in marriage. After a slight cavalry success Scipio advanced to Utica and encamped on the hill behind the town. Meanwhile Carthage in alarm prepared for a siege and sent out desperate appeals for help to Syphax and Hasdrubal; the latter’s son, Hanno, was busy recruiting. But Masinissa decoyed Hanno’s squadron past some hills to the south-west of Utica at the Tower of Agathocles, while Scipio lay ambushed behind them. Suddenly Scipio’s troops burst forth over a flat saddle of the hills and fell on Hanno’s flank, while Masinissa wheeled round and attacked in front. After this victory Scipio pressed forward the siege of Utica by land and sea, but winter came on and the town still resisted. Threatened by Hasdrubal and Syphax, Scipio withdrew for the winter to a sharp headland projecting into the sea which was later known as the Castra Cornelia.
    The first season’s campaign had been somewhat unspectacular and Scipio was driven to an awkward position. His initial caution, however, was quite justified and has been compared with that of Gustavus Adolphus when he landed in Germany. He had wisely refused to contemplate an attack on Carthage before winning an adequate base. During the winter Syphax attempted to negotiate peace on the terms that Carthage should evacuate Italy, and the Romans Africa. Though Scipio had no intention of accepting conditions which would offer Rome no compensation for all her sufferings, he prolonged negotiations in order that his envoys might pay frequent visits to the enemy’s quarters and obtain detailed topographical information, for Syphax and Hasdrubal were encamped during the winter on two adjacenthills; these formed the southern termination of the ridge which in the north ended at the Castra Cornelia, some six miles away.
    In the spring of 203 Scipio broke off negotiations and renewed the blockade of Utica. When the enemies’ suspicions were lulled, he launched an attack as sudden as his dash on Cartagena. One night he marched under cover of the hills against the enemies’ camps, which he learnt were made of osier and reed. While he himself held back, Masinissa surrounded Syphax’ camp and Laelius set fire to it. When the Carthaginians in Hasdrubal’s camp, thinking the fire was accidental, rushed out to help, Scipio fell on this camp also. The two enemy leaders escaped, but a large part of their armies was destroyed. Polybius believed that no other disaster, even if

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