A Killer's Agenda

A Killer's Agenda by Anita M. Whiting Page A

Book: A Killer's Agenda by Anita M. Whiting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita M. Whiting
Tags: romantic suspense
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    “Motherly instinct. Visit soon, you hear.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” He grinned into the phone as he disconnected
    the call.
    Checking his emails, he found his father’s message. He began dialing the phone and then hesitated. If he was going to hire Alex Leahy to assist with the investigation, then she needed to be there from the start. It was time to see if she was as good as her reputation painted her. The weekend would be soon enough to
    make that appointment.

    * * *

    Saturday dawned sunny and pleasantly warm. Brad grabbed
    his keys and slid open the sun roof once again. The breeze was refreshing and, for the first time in a long while, he felt a burden lift from his shoulders. The combined heaviness of the day-to-day running of a growing, successful company and the months of grief
    A Killer's Agenda
    he still held inside after his aunt had died had weighed heavily on him without his even realizing it. The grief was slowly ebbing and being replaced by a firm resolve to find the person who killed her.
    He was taking a big step today. He didn’t trust or open himself up to strangers easily. He had discovered very early doing that could lead to being hurt. So he had kept his emotions in check, his girlfriends casual and work had been his panacea.
    The drive to Miguel and Rosa Santos’ house was pleasant. They lived on the outskirts of the city in a big farm-style house with several acres around it. He pulled into the driveway beside a vintage ’65 Mustang convertible. A grin curved his lips. The car had to be Alex Leahy’s. Somehow it fit her to perfection.
    Before he could knock at the door, it opened and a doe-eyed, dark-haired woman embraced him long and hard. As well as she could, considering her very round stomach.
    “Brad, it’s so good to see you again.” Rosa pulled back and
    searched his face for a long moment. “You should have called when Ellie died. She was a very special person. We would have been there.”
    Brad squeezed her shoulders gently. “I know you would have.”
    She gave him her best jury glare. “Don’t you dare let months go by without visiting us again, you hear me?”
    He nodded, linking her arm with his and they walked inside the large, bright foyer. “Yeah, haven’t seen you in awhile and look at the weight you’ve gained,” he teased.
    She smiled, putting a hand on her protruding belly. “Isn’t it wonderful? I was thrilled the first time I had to wear maternity clothes.” She slipped her hand from his and motioned toward the
    Anita Whiting
    deck. “Miguel’s out back with Alex. He’s barbecuing steaks. I’ll just grab the salad and be right with you.”
    Brad walked through the glass doors and stopped just outside, taking in the picture in front of him. Alex sat at the patio table, her titian hair flowing down her back, laughing at something Miguel was saying. She was casually dressed in jeans and a green blouse that matched her eyes.
    Miguel saw him first. “Brad, old man, hope you’re hungry
    because I spent half my salary on these steaks. I figured this reunion deserved something special.”
    “I’m always ready for steak. Afternoon, Alex.”
    “Hi, Brad.” She rose gracefully. “I better go see if Rosa needs any help and let the two of you do your man thing.”
    Both of them watched her leave. Miguel tossed a look toward
    Brad. “She’s a pretty special lady, amigo. Not to mention she’s not so bad to look at either,” he finished innocently.
    “Can it, Miguel,” Brad warned, slinging one long leg over a bar stool and settled against it.
    Miguel flipped the steaks and lowered the flame. Walking to the bar, he offered Brad a can of soda. Popping his own, he took a long drink and then leaned back against the rail.
    “How’s the investigation going?”
    “Haven’t really started yet I’m planning to meet with the
    husband of the woman killed in Charlotte a few months before my aunt. Name of Russell Ferron.”
    “He agree to

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