A Knight's Persuasion

A Knight's Persuasion by Catherine Kean Page A

Book: A Knight's Persuasion by Catherine Kean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Kean
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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as Landon. That man could well be Edouard.” Drawing away, she wiped at her lower lashes. “You must speak with him, Juliana. Tonight, before your opportunity is lost.”
    “All right.” Juliana smiled. Hand in hand with Mayda, she hurried to the forebuilding.
    Mayda led the way down the torch lit stairs, and then they were out into the dark bailey beyond. The cool night air touched Juliana’s face, but her cheeks felt hot and tingly. Oh, but she dared not yield to the happiness bubbling up inside her. If she became too overwrought, she’d not be able to say one sensible word to Edouard. She did not want to ruin this chance.
    “Where might he be?” Juliana’s breath caught. “Mayda, can you feel how I am trembling?”
    “Keep a lookout,” her friend said, still in front, glancing to and fro in the shadows while she drew Juliana forward.
    Mayda came to an abrupt halt.
    Juliana bumped into her. As Mayda’s head turned, her expression filled with shock and dismay, movement in the shadows claimed Juliana’s attention. “Nara,” a male voice said with a groan.
    Blinking hard, Juliana discerned a man and woman pressed against the wall, engaged in lusty kissing: her sister and . . .
    A gasp lodged in Juliana’s throat.
    As though suddenly becoming aware of spectators, Edouard tore his mouth from Nara’s. His gaze, dazed at first, cleared and widened with astonishment. “Juliana,” he said, breathing hard.
    At the same moment, Nara looked over her shoulder, met Juliana’s stare, and smiled smugly.
    “I am sorry, Juliana,” Mayda said shakily. “I did not know.”
    Tears blurred Juliana’s vision. Drawing her hand from Mayda’s, she stepped back, away, her heart pounding so ferociously in her chest, she could scarcely breathe. What a fool she’d been!
    “Juliana,” Edouard called. “Wait.” His steps unsteady, he started toward her.
    Somehow Juliana managed to lift her chin and hold his gaze. How could he still look so handsome to her? Why did the agony inside her make her want to weep over this wretched rogue?
    “I was about to return to the hall and speak with you,” he said, his tone rough. Glancing at frowning Mayda, now standing beside Juliana, he dragged his hands through his mussed hair. “Look, I know how this must appear.”
    Juliana struggled to hold back the anguish almost choking her. Had he and Kaine made a bet tonight? Since Edouard couldn’t have Juliana’s kiss, he’d win her sister’s? She did not care. “You do not owe me an explanation, milord.”
    Silk rustled as Nara approached his side. “Indeed, he does not. You made it quite clear at Sherstowe that you did not want to be betrothed to him. You never wanted to see him again.”
    A frown darkened Edouard’s face. “Juliana, I never intended to kiss Nara.”
    Disbelieving laughter broke past Juliana’s lips. “It just happened?”
    Nara winked at Edouard and giggled. “Milord, you give the most pleasing kisses.”
    Juliana forced down a sob. To know her sister had enjoyed Edouard’s affections, to see her sister gloating . . . Refusing to let them see her pain, Juliana spun to face the forebuilding. Sorrow in her eyes, Mayda slid an arm around her, and they began walking toward the light.
    “Do not go!” Edouard called.
    Glancing back, Juliana fixed Edouard with a glare. “Tonight has further proven what I realized months ago, milord. You could never be my husband, for when a man kisses me”—her voice wobbled—“I want it to be meaningful. I want it to prove the wondrous love between us. I want it to reinforce that we were destined, out of all the men and women in this vast country, to be together.”
    He loosed a sound akin to a groan. “Juliana.”
    “What she said about a kiss?” Nara brushed up against Edouard. “’Tis how I felt when you kissed me, milord. I vow you were never destined to wed her. Our fathers will have the alliance they desire, for you will marry me.”


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