A Marriage In Wyoming (The Marshall Brothers 3)
    “I’ll be relieved when she’s on the ranch again where we can look after her. Although Garrett says the information he’s gotten so far is pretty challenging. I have to admit those papers don’t make much sense to me.”
    “It’s going to be difficult for all of you. We could have a meeting to go over the injection plan and her daily routine. That way everybody is on the same page.”
    “That would make me feel better,” Caroline said. “And it brings up, in a way, the reason I called, besides just to find out how you’re doing. I had a brilliant idea this afternoon.”
    “And what brilliant idea was that?”
    “Well, I mentioned to you that we’re trying to teach these kids responsibility, how to take care of themselves and make sound choices in their lives.”
    “It occurred to me that one of the skills they’ll need in the future is the ability to handle minor injuries and illness. We’ve already had a couple of accidents that required first aid. On a ranch, people are always getting scrapes or burns or cuts. Not to mention colds and the flu.”
    “And so...”
    “And so it occurred to me how great it would be if you could come out to the ranch and give the kids some instruction in first aid and basic home health care. Isn’t that a fantastic concept?”
    “Um...sure.” Garrett’s face flashed through Rachel’s mind. So much for trying to stay out of his way.
    “You could even go over CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, because you never know when that kind of emergency could come up. What do you think? Doesn’t it sound terrific for the kids?”
    A man’s voice said something on Caroline’s end, though Rachel couldn’t understand the words.
    Her friend chuckled. “Ford wants you to know that I make use of everybody like this, that you’re not the only one I impose on. Thanks so much for the support, dear,” she told her fiancé. “So what would be good for your schedule?” she asked Rachel. “When can we start?”
    Caroline’s gung-ho enthusiasm was familiar to Rachel from their college days. “I can probably come out around lunchtime, since I doubt I’ll have a flood of patients every day at the beginning. It will take a while for people to get used to having a doctor right in town.”
    “I’m already used to it,” Caroline said, laughing. “I’m so glad you took the job!” They discussed details and settled on the next Monday to begin the course. “You can check on Lena while you’re here,” she added. “That will be convenient.”
    Not necessarily , Rachel thought. She preferred the structure of an office visit for seeing her patients. It helped her maintain detachment. “I’ll be sure to set her up for regular appointments when the clinic opens.”
    “Perfect,” Caroline said. “Thanks so much. And we will expect you Monday for first aid, if not before.”
    Rachel hung up the phone and then sat with her head in her hand, her eyes closed. Instead of staying out of Garrett’s way, she was now going to be seeing him on a daily basis, going to his home to teach first aid to his camp kids. It would have been bad enough to deal with him when Lena came to the office, but in that kind of professional setting Rachel was certain she could keep control.
    On his territory, she wasn’t so sure the same would be true. The situation would be much less predictable. He would forget to keep his distance, and he’d smile. Or even flirt with her, as he was so skilled at doing. And with her attention distracted, how often would she respond in kind? This plan of Caroline’s was a personal disaster, as far as Rachel was concerned.
    But she had agreed, so she would simply have to deal with the situation. Maybe Garrett wouldn’t attend the first-aid sessions—he might have ranch work to do. That would be the best-case scenario. If he did attend, she’d simply be polite but cool. Focus on the kids and what they were learning, not the handsome minister in the cowboy

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