A Memory Worth Dying For

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Book: A Memory Worth Dying For by Joanie Bruce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanie Bruce
Tags: Fiction
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contained—yesterday it was only ten percent. A couple of our firemen have been on vacation and are returning early to help.”
    Gerald watched as Shane stood deliberately to his feet. The crowd listened silently as he spoke.
    “All right, Bud. We’ll give you a couple more days. But, if things don’t change by then, we’ll be talking about other options. We can’t stand by without a fight and watch our farms go up in smoke.”
    Agreements traveled around the room as they all stood on determined feet.
    Gerald and Max walked over to Shane Duke, and the men shook hands.
    “What do you think, Gerald? Think they’ll get it stopped before it hits your back two hundred acres of alfalfa?”
    Gerald shook his head. “I hope so. I have an equipment shed that’s even closer than the back two hundred. If that goes, it’ll hurt.”
    “Maybe you should go ahead and move out the equipment.”
    “Already did.” Max spoke up. “Got it stored in an old hay barn there behind Mr. Gerald’s house.”
    Gerald nodded. “I told my men to take the hay plows out tomorrow and dig a fire break across the back side of the alfalfa field. I’m hoping it’ll help stop the fire at the line.”Shane perked up. “Yep, that’s a good idea. We talked about burning off some of the back fields to keep the fire from jumping to the woods closest to the house. If the fire reaches that field, and it’s been burned, it might burn itself out.”
    Gerald nodded. “That’s a good idea too. Maybe that’s what we need to do.”
    “Anything I can do to help?”
    The men turned to see Jordan Welsh standing right outside their circle.
    “Jordan. I didn’t know you were back in these parts.” Gerald’s surprise was evident as he shook Jordan’s hand. Something in Jordan’s eyes seemed hardened and unsettled.
    “Yeah. I figured I may as well get back here before the ranch completely went to the dogs. Vinny and Angie put so much work into it; I hate to see it abandoned.”
    Shane held out his hand. “It’s good to see you again, Jordan. I hope you’ve been well.”
    “Tolerable, I reckon. It’s hard without Vinny. He was my life, you know.”
    Gerald’s stomach felt sick. He knew the feeling. When Angie died in the wreck that killed Vinny, he thought time would heal that sick feeling he felt when he thought of losing his only daughter, but time hadn’t healed the wound—only made it easier to bear.
    Jordan turned to him. “I’m headed up to Tennessee for a couple of days, but when I come back, I’d be happy to help anywhere I can. My farm’s not in danger of the fire, but I can sure imagine how I would feel if it was.”
    “Thanks, Jordan. We’d welcome the help. We were talking about digging fire breaks and burning off some of the back fields closest to the fire, hoping that would at least slow the fire down if not stop it completely.”
    “I guess it depends on how strong the wind is, but two fire breaks are better than one, I reckon,” Jordan said.
    Gerald nodded. “I’ll probably start first thing Monday morning. My place isn’t that close to the fire yet, but it wouldn’t take long if the wind gets up. If you wanna come by when you get back, I’d appreciate the help.”
    “I’ll be there.” Jordan nodded and left.
    “See you on Monday, Shane, I’ll be starting bright and early.” Gerald said as he shook Shane’s hand. He waved at a couple of neighbors and walked out of the building. He looked across the parking lot as Jordan got into his car. The man had aged and seemed weaker than he remembered. Jordan’s hair had practically turned to all white since leaving Carson three years ago. Gerald shrugged. He probably had a few more white hairs himself. This fire wasn’t helping either.

    MARTI STEPPED OUT OF THE Landeville City Post Office and bumped into a tall man standing outside the door.
    “Excuse me, sir. I’m sor—”
    Shock stopped her in mid-sentence. Standing in front of her was Jordan

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