A Perfect Groom

A Perfect Groom by Samantha James Page A

Book: A Perfect Groom by Samantha James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha James
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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promise, you’ll find me a worthy opponent.”
    Her eyes narrowed. “What the devil is that supposed to mean? And why are you smiling in that wolfish way, as if there’s something you know that I don’t?”
    She was nothing if not forthright, he decided. “I don’t know. Certainly it can’t be the company.”
    “I shall ignore that,” she announced. “Now, then. I should like to discuss the matter of your spying on me —”
    “I was not spying. I thought we established that.”
    “We did not. But may I trust you will not disclose the nature of what you overheard?”
    “Because I abhor gossip, that’s why.”
    He arched his brows. “You mean you don’t relish your reign as The Unattainable?”
    “I do not,” she muttered. “And if anyone else calls me by that horrid name again today, I swear I shall scream.”
    His mouth quirked. “That should help to discourage gossip.”
    Her eyes found his. “Do I have your assurance you will say nothing?” she demanded.
    “Well,” he murmured, “I might be persuaded.”
    “For what?”
    A kiss , he almost said. Indeed, it was only at the last instant he quelled the unexpected impulse.
    He was all at once vastly annoyed with himself. A kiss with Miss Arabella Templeton…how the blazes had his mind conjured up something so preposterous?
    It was a startling admission, considering she was the most vexing female he’d ever had the misfortune to encounter. Yet on second thought, perhaps it was neither startling nor preposterous.
    His gaze had drifted down to her lips. She had a mouth given to laughter, he decided. A mouth fashioned purely for a man’s pleasure, full and lush and pink like the rest of her. He’d already mentally approved her choice of gown — the buttery yellow made her skin glow.
    He found the prospect of kissing her — God, what was the matter with him? — provocative, at the least. In her zeal, she’d moved closer. That wasn’t helping matters. Nor did the earnestness of her regard. She was staring up at him intently, awaiting his answer, her lips parted, offering a glimpse of small white teeth. Christ, he wondered crazily, what would she taste like?
    “You haven’t answered me. You won’t tell, will you?”
    Wicked. That’s what he was. Wicked to even think what he was thinking…
    The music had commenced. Hearing it, he cocked a brow. “Dance with me,” was all he said, “and I shall consider it.”
    And he whisked her onto the dance floor.

    They wheeled so suddenly she clutched at his shoulder. “Justin!” His name was a sound of pure dismay. Belatedly it occurred to her she’d just called him by his given name. “What are you doing?”
    “I should have thought it would be obvious.”
    They whirled past the Misses Wilmington , Abigail and Lucinda, who regarded him with open admiration. Justin inclined his head and directed a devastating smile at the pair. Abigail tittered behind her fan, while Lucinda openly batted her eyelashes at him.
    Arabella’s jaw snapped shut. “Did no one ever tell you it is the height of bad manners to dance with one woman while making eyes at another?”
    “Jealous, are we?”
    “In a pig’s eye!”
    He threw back his head and laughed. “Arabella, you are truly a delight.”
    He didn’t mean it, of course. Indeed, she was well aware he meant the complete opposite.
    “I’ve not forgiven you, you know,” she told him stoutly.
    “For what?”
    She bared her teeth.
    A heavy black brow climbed high. “My dear, is something wrong? Do you worry there is perhaps a bit of basil left from the cream sauce at dinner? Set your mind at ease, then. There is none.”
    Arabella longed to screech at the top of her lungs. She was forced to settle for a whisper. “This is revenge, isn’t it? Your way of getting back at me for the prank I played on you as a child.”
    “My word, but you are suspicious! Why would you possibly think that?”
    “Because I should have thought you would

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