A Prayer for the Damned
after Abbot Ultán even when he had vanished through one of the entrances to the main building. He was unaware that Eadulf and Brother Conchobhar were still watching him. The expression onthe abbot’s face was not a pleasant one. Then, with a shake of his head, he was gone.
    Eadulf turned to Brother Conchobhar. ‘Well, what is to be made of that?’
    Brother Conchobhar pursed his lips thoughtfully. ‘Have you not heard of Abbot Ultán?’
    ‘I seem to have heard his name recently.’ Eadulf frowned. ‘Ah, he was coming to protest against our wedding.’
    ‘I have never seen him before but I have heard many stories about him, none of them to his credit. He is not a man whom I would pronounce as fit for the company of saints.’ For once Brother Conchobhar looked serious. ‘Beware of Abbot Ultán. He is full of ambition, and pays homage to nothing save power.’
    ‘Ultán? Who speaks of Ultán?’
    Eadulf swung round and found Brother Berrihert on the steps behind them. He smiled in warm greeting.
    ‘So you have come to join us? That is good. This is Brother Conchobhar.’
    Brother Berrihert nodded curtly at the old man but his eyes did not leave Eadulf’s face. ‘The name of Ultán was spoken. Abbot Ultán of Cill Ria?’
    ‘The same,’ agreed Eadulf, worried at the intensity in the young Saxon’s voice. Then he remembered that it was Berrihert who had first mentioned the name of the abbot to him.
    ‘Is he here?’
    ‘He is. I am told that he has come here to protest against my wedding.’
    Berrihert drew in a deep breath as if facing some momentous decision. Then he let it out slowly.
    ‘Then I give fair warning, Eadulf. Make sure that his path does not cross mine or that of my brothers, for I fear the worst.’
    ‘I do not understand.’
    ‘I fear that one of us might kill him,’ replied the young man sharply. He turned and strode off, leaving Eadulf staring in surprise.
    Brother Conchobhar stood looking thoughtfully after him.
    ‘Alas, it seems that Bishop Ultán’s circle of acquaintances ever widens,’ he said.
    ‘I do not understand it,’ Eadulf replied with a shake of his head. ‘While yesterday Brother Berrihert told me of how this Abbot Ultán split the community in which he and his brothers served on Inis Bó Finne, and how they came south for independence and peace, he mentioned nothing that would give rise to some mortal hatred of Ultán. Certainly he gave no indication of animosity to the extent that his death might be encompassed.’
    ‘The emotions of mankind are strange, my Saxon friend. You should know that above all people. You have seen enough violence in your investigations with our lady Fidelma. What angers one person, amuses another. What causes harm to one, causes benefit to someone else. Whatever slight your friend believes he has suffered might not seem much to you but will mean the world to him.’ Brother Conchobhar clapped Eadulf on the shoulder and chuckled. ‘At least you may give thanks to the arrival of Abbot Ultán for one thing.’
    Eadulf did not understand.
    ‘His arrival has caused you to forget your personal concerns about your fitness to go through with the ceremony tomorrow. You will be too preoccupied with watching Abbot Ultán and waiting for the trouble that he will undoubtedly cause.’


    I t was a sombre group that gathered that evening in the private chamber of Colgú, king of Muman. The handsome, red-haired king sprawled moodily in his carved oak chair before the fire. Fidelma sat upright opposite him with Eadulf standing behind her, one hand resting on the back of her chair. Caol, the commander of the bodyguard, stood discreetly with his back to the door, as if on guard, while a chair had been brought for Abbot Ségdae, newly arrived from the abbey of Imleach, and another for Baithen, the brehon of Muman.
    ‘It is upsetting, I know, lady,’ Baithen finally said, voicing the consensus of the group.
    Fidelma returned his concerned gaze

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