A Preacher's Passion
sound? It’s just a kiss, he thought. And Passion was a pretty woman. He leaned toward her already tilted body and pressed his lips firmly against hers. Passion immediately opened her mouth, gently prodding his open with her tongue.
    They French-kissed for a long moment before Lavon gently pulled back. He took in Passion’s half-moon eyes and slightly parted lips, and knew she wanted him. Passion had shared with him that she was celibate, information he’d use to make sure their friendship never went past first base, the kissing stage. Because, fortunately or unfortunately for Passion, Carla had all of the other bases completely covered, even if he were trying to forget she was in the game.
    “That was nice, very nice,” Passion murmured when it became clear there would be no second helpings of the kiss appetizer.
    “And you are nice, a chaste woman of God.” Lavon opened the car door. “Thanks again, Passion,” he said as he exited. “See you in church tomorrow.”
    Passion’s celibate declaration now felt like TMI: too much information to have shared with this new friend. The word had slipped out while discussing life post-divorce. It might work in my favor, she thought as she watched Lavon walk into the lobby. When I let him make love to me, he’ll know it means something. With that decision made, that she’d definitely let Lavon hit it when the time was right, she started the car and merged from the hotel’s circular drive onto the busy boulevard.
    As she turned on Century and headed toward Crenshaw, she dissected and rated her evening with Lavon. All in all, she thought it had been an excellent first date. Getting to know Lavon Chapman better had its pluses. But as with everything in life, there was also a downside. One, Lavon was only in town for seven more weeks; after that, he’d be almost two thousand miles away. Passion had never tried a long-distance relationship and wasn’t sure she wanted to start one now. Two, while Lavon wasn’t permanently attached, he wasn’t actually free. Passion wondered about the woman in Kansas, how she looked, whether she had kids, how in love she was with Lavon. She speculated as to whether Lavon would relocate to LA, and what life was like in the Midwest. Passion had once considered relocating to a smaller city, especially when Onyx was born. She wasn’t past moving for a man.
    “Just go with the flow, girl,” Passion said to herself as she pulled into her driveway and got out of her car. A smile crossed her face as she walked up the steps. She had an eligible bachelor interested in getting to know her better and she was definitely interested in knowing him better. This exciting new development in her life would suffice…for now.

Crazy LA Traffic
    Robin sat in her car, staring dispassionately as the congregants of Kingdom Citizens’ Christian Center emerged from the sanctuary. She’d left her motel room an hour before with three things: her Cobra handgun, a pack of Kool Menthol 100’s, and a plan. She chain-smoked one cigarette after another as she watched the members of Kingdom Citizens bask in all of their fellowshipping glory. Robin pulled the baseball cap she wore farther down on her forehead, her eyes glued to the church’s parking lot. Robin watched—and waited.
    The scene inside KCCC’s executive offices was not as festive as the one outside. In fact, Derrick was having a hard time holding on to his temper as he waited for a logical explanation as to why Kelvin had showed up for service just ten minutes before the benediction. Kelvin used oversleeping, lack of transportation, and LA traffic as excuses for why he and the friend who’d given him a ride had missed church. For Derrick, none of these reasons were good enough.
    “You expect me to believe that an intelligent, capable young man such as yourself doesn’t know how to set his alarm? The same young man who is up at six-thirty during the week, sometimes earlier, to lift weights and run

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