A Question of Honor

A Question of Honor by Mary Anne Wilson Page A

Book: A Question of Honor by Mary Anne Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Anne Wilson
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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    He glanced out the window, then back at her. “So how’s it going for you in Wolf Lake?”
    “Good,” she said tentatively, “although I really haven’t seen much of what’s around here.”
    His gaze held hers and that made her even more nervous. “Maybe you need a tour guide,” he said, one dark eyebrow lifted slightly.
    Darn, he was... She erased that image, knowing any thoughts about him being sexy were out of order, especially given the circumstances. “No, I’m leaving today.” She hoped that was the truth. “I’m just getting a few things done before I go.”
    For a moment she thought she saw a flash of disappointment in those eyes, but the recovery was so swift, she was sure she’d imagined it. “Well,” he murmured, “I hope you get back sometime, and if I’m here...” He shrugged. “Who knows?”
    What she knew was that wouldn’t happen. That made her feel... She didn’t know, but it wasn’t pleasant. It was all so bizarre. At any other time, if Adam had sat down across from her, she would have definitely talked with him, got to know him a bit, to maybe let whatever he was hinting at blossom, but that was out of the question. “Who knows?” she repeated softly.
    He frowned, his head tipped slightly to one side as if considering something. He leaned forward, his forearms on the table, his strong hands clasped together. He paused before he finally spoke again. “You know, to be honest, I’ve got the feeling that I’m a problem for you.” The smile was gone completely now.
    Shock zinged through her, and she didn’t know what to say. A problem? “What?”
    “Maybe not a problem, but I’m making you upset and I’m sorry for that.” She had a heart-stopping moment when his hand moved and she thought he was going to reach out and make contact with her. Thankfully, he didn’t. “I’m going out on a limb here, because I’m not sure what’s going on, but if you need help, someone to talk to, I’m a great listener.” She wasn’t sure what expression she had on her face because he quickly added, “Just someone to talk to.”
    His offer was genuine, she could sense that, and that was what terrified her. He could tell she was alone, that she had no one to confide in and that she would have loved to have that luxury.
    What scared her the most was his reading her so perfectly when she’d thought she was being so outwardly contained. “No,” she sputtered, her panic rising to the surface. “There’s nothing, not anything.” She tried to slow herself down, to actually sound as if she were fine. “But it was good meeting you,” she said, acknowledging how much she really meant that. She reached for her wallet. “I need to go.”
    Adam stood, looked down at her, and her knees felt weak. He spoke softly. “Have a good life. Just remember, I’ll be coming back here more often now.”
    “I don’t think I’ll be back, but if I am...”
    “Look for me?” When she didn’t answer his question, he added, “There is something that I need to ask you, though.”
    She braced herself for any lie she had to tell to get out of there. “What’s that?”
    “Who are you?”
    She felt a rush of anxiety flood her senses. “Ex...cuse me?” she managed.
    “If I come back, I need to know who to ask about. You never told me your name.”
    Oh. If she could have done a backflip out of joy at such a simple question, she would have done it. But all she did was take a breath before answering him. “Faith.”
    “Faith,” he murmured, that smile flitting at the corners of his mouth. “Faith.”
    She nodded and moved past him to get to the door.
    She stepped out onto the street, turned abruptly to go and noticed at the first corner she came to that she’d gone in the wrong direction to get to the inn. She could see Manaw’s garage two blocks ahead. She felt too unnerved to care at that moment and just kept going until she got to the next corner. She darted a look behind her.
    Adam was

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