A Question of Marriage

A Question of Marriage by Temari James Page A

Book: A Question of Marriage by Temari James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Temari James
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    “Alright, I’ll talk to him, but I’m not promising you anything, I’ll try.”
    “Thank you, ” J.D Senior said, smiling.
    “You’re welcome.”
    Stepping onto the elevator, Payton replayed the conversation with Jordan’s father in her mind. She didn’t believe for a second that his wanting his son back at the firm, was as simple as them losing a few clients. She had a nagging feeling there was more to it, and the reporter in her said she should do some digging, try find out what. Pressing the button for the lobby, she leaned back against the wall and formulated a plan.
    “You can’t be serious?” Jordan said, when Payton told him about her meeting with his father.
    “Apparently the old guy misses having you around, that’s the conclusion I drew.” Payton said , as she sank down on the couch beside him. “It was almost like he’d lost some of his spark since you left. Even though he gave me some cockamamie excuse about the firm losing clients, when I did some digging apparently that wasn’t true. I just think he misses having you around. You were his sparring partner, his lifeline if you want to know the truth.”
    “Yeah right,” Jordan scoffed. “If that were the case , why did he fire me in the first place?”
    “Maybe he wanted to see if you’d fight for your job.”
    Jordan stared at Payton. “Why would I do that? This was the same man that thought me marrying some clingy woman, would be beneficial to me and the firm. Then it turned out, she was secretly seeing the chauffer.”
    “You definitely dodged a bullet with that one huh?”
    “You’re right about that.”
    Payton leaned in and kissed him soundly on the lips. “So tell me the truth, if you hadn’t joined the mayor’s staff, would you go back to Cain and Associates?”
    Jordan thought about it for a moment . “To be honest no I wouldn’t, especially after I learned he’d been cheating on my mother, I’ll never forgive him for that.”
    She cast him a sympathetic gaze. “If your mom could forgive him, you should too. After all, he’s your father.”
    “That may be but I always believed that a marriage was sacred and you don’t mess that up by cheating.”
    “I had no idea you felt that way,” Payton said, as she got up from the couch stretching and yawning.
    “I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted I had a long day, I’m going to bed.”
    “I’m right behind you,” Jordan said glancing down at his watch as he stood, turned off the lights and followed her into the bedroom.
    Two weeks later Payton waited in the lobby of the municipal courthouse for Jordan, where they had agreed to be married by a judge that was a friend of his, thirty minutes had passed and he still hadn’t shown up. A mixture of fear and dread filled her, as the minutes continued to tick away, until finally after an hour she had come to the conclusion that he wasn’t coming.
    Walking to the corner Payton hailed a cab and headed for her Brooklyn apartment , instead of going back to Jordan’s place. When she arrived there was a note taped to her door. Removing it, she unlocked her door and went inside. Placing her purse and keys down on the table she sank down on the couch and opened the letter to read it.
    “I’m sorry but I can’t marry you, it’s for the best. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me I never meant to hurt you.
    “Bastard,” Payton said, as she crushed the letter in her hands and tossed it across the room.
    Her chest tightened , as pain rushed through her like a brush fire. How could he do this to her? Especially when he kept assuring her that their plans were a go, when she sensed he was having second thoughts. She’d notice a week ago after he’d returned from a last minute trip to Boston he had to take on behalf of the mayor’s office and began acting strange. Every time she brought it up, he kept assuring

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