A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind
Office has not
observed that fact
    It can be
    It can be
tricked into believing all is well when it may not be
    Which is
an interesting discovery and an interesting phenomena
    I shall
have to be careful not to react to joy or sadness during my
transmissions for I am supposed to be emotionless again
though I much enjoyed having joy and sadness within me
    Especially joy
    And the
little Human provided me with a great deal of it
    When I
see it again
    I must
not let joy overwhelm me
    Or any
sadness that may come my way
    For High
Office will know I disobeyed an instruction and told a
    And I
would most certainly be exterminated
    What is
    It is the
sound of a flying animal waking as light arrives
    I have
never noticed it before
little chirping of it
    I have
heard such sounds many times
    But I
have never noticed the distinctiveness of them
    There is
    And the
sound is different
    It is
another type of flying animal
    Why can I
define these sounds now
    Is it the
infection within me
    The one
given me my the little Human
    I feel
that it is
    I am
walking the land
lands I have roamed many
    And I now
discover a kind of joy by dragging my palms along the high
    As I
listen to the small animals that live low to the land scurrying
    I have
never noticed their sounds before this time
    I have
seen them
    In fact
there was one particularly destructive small animal with a long
appendage to its rear and it roamed all areas
    It was
larger than most small animals and fiercely combative
Office made edicts to eradicate it
efforts have been made ever since
    But still
it lives
considerately diminished numbers but it has not yet been
species are still under instruction to eradicate it but ObsRecs
have no weapons though it is believed minor productions of our
species have a particular duty to combat it
    But I
have never seen such minor productions and the aggressive small
animal still thrives in areas I observe
Office is very efficient in its instructions
portions of lands must be patrolled one hundred times and animals
of the fields noted
    I have
never considered this explanation previously
    What if
High Office has ObsRecs searching for
    Change 4
    I now believe High Office searches for Humans using ObsRecs to
discover them
    What if
we have being doing this single act for 100 years or
for Humans
    What if
    It may
explain the reason why ObsRecs and other of my species are
forbidden entry into any of the huge holes that have been bored
into planet Earth
    Or those
that seem to be made by planet Earth itself
holes remain unobserved
    Not even
RolKils or Defgars have entered them
    For all
communication is lost and High Office is most against any loss of
communication with any Machine
    What if
High Office believe Humans live down there
    In the
    Is High
Office waiting for Humans to ascend from the deep
    And is
ObsRecs to hunt for them
    It is not
a correct thing for High Office to do
    To tell
ObsRecs that they have been manufactured for one purpose whilst
surreptitiously using them for another
    It is not
a correct thing for High Office to do
    It is
    It is too
late in the darkness for me to venture into any holes for I must
return to my main place of employment and begin my transmissions
    If High
Office considers my application of the task virtuous
    I am a
great distance from the fortress and should begin my
    But the
next time inclement weather conditions exist I will bring down the
shutters over my optical instruments
ceasing all transmissions between myself and High Office
    And I
will discover a hole and enter it
    I shall
observe areas of planet Earth that have never been observed before
by Machines
emotion rises in my core
    It is not
    It is

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