A Summer Fling

A Summer Fling by Milly Johnson Page B

Book: A Summer Fling by Milly Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Johnson
Tags: Fiction, General
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she thought she’d get the Scheme Manager’s job. Why else would you turn down retirement? Bit late to start getting ambitious really, so watch your back! Anna’s a bit sullen. Never seen her smile yet. And I understand Dawn is getting married, isn’t she?’
    ‘Is she indeed?’ asked Christie.
    ‘Word of warning, that sort always make too many personal calls. Plus, I don’t think she’s the sharpest knife in the drawer. Don’t know anything about the other one, the young one, Raychel, except I would have thought she was a bit boring to have in such an energy-driven project. Not exactly Miss Personality, if you know what I mean. I’m surprised Mr McAskill picked that lot, to be honest. I’d have had at least one man in there myself.’
    Christie wondered if she should write to the Guinness Book of Records and suggest an entry for the most number of character assassinations in one minute. Still, she always liked to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was trying to help her settle in, albeit in a very clumsy way.
    ‘Well, I have to say, I find them all extremely amiable and hard-working,’ Christie said brightly.
    ‘New broom sweeps clean,’ said Malcolm and his hand closed over Christie’s with a squeeze. ‘You do realize they’ve already started taking the mick, coming in at nine and going home as soon as the clock hits five?’
    ‘But that’s the working day. Why on earth should anyone do more?’
    ‘Because that’s what we do at White Rose Stores, my dear,’ he said with a very patronizing smile.
    That gave Christie the perfect escape clause.
    ‘I’m totally indebted to you for the insight,’ she nodded. ‘I had better get back and make sure they’re behaving, in that case.’ And with that she purposefully picked up her tray.
    ‘Quite,’ said Malcolm with a smug grin, pleased that she had taken his comments on board. ‘I think I’m just going to have a small portion of apple pie before I get back to the Cheese grindstone. It’s been lovely talking to you, Christie.’
    ‘And you, Malcolm. Very useful. Very . . . revealing.’
    She really was a very attractive woman, he thought as he watched her wend her way over to where the empty plates were stacked. Her heart-shaped bottom had a natural sashay like Marilyn Monroe. However she had got that job, he would have bet his life savings on it being something to do with that bottom.
    ‘Good lunch?’ asked Grace. She was alone in their section. The others were all shopping in town. Separately, not together.
    ‘Pleasant enough,’ said Christie, not sure how convincing she sounded. ‘I’m going to get another coffee. Can I get you one?’
    ‘Oh, er, yes, thank you,’ said Grace. ‘Milk, no sugar please.’
    ‘No, I didn’t imagine you would take sugar with a figure like yours,’ said Christie.
    ‘Oh, erm, thank you,’ said Grace with some surprise. ‘However, if the truth be told, I have a terrible sweet tooth if I gave way to it. Thank God for yoga. That keeps me on the straight and narrow.’
    ‘I give way to my sweet tooth on a regular basis, as you may have guessed,’ Christie returned, smoothing her hands over the curves in her bright, summer-blue suit. She had the most beautiful clothes, none in shy colours. ‘My brother is a dentist and he keeps my teeth on the straight and narrow, if not my figure. And I think if I even attempted the Lotus position, my spine would snap.’
    ‘I didn’t start classes until I was in my late twenties,’ returned Grace. ‘Trust me, it’s a very gentle wake-up call to the body.’
    ‘I’ll take your word for it,’ said Christie. ‘I get all the relaxation I need from éclairs, an occasional balloon of brandy and the odd packet of Embassy Regals.’
    She waited for Grace to wince at the reference to cigarettes. Somehow she thought she would disapprove. Grace didn’t. Instead she said, ‘Everyone needs to unwind. I think there’s nothing more dangerous to one’s health than

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