A Trap So Tender

A Trap So Tender by Jennifer Lewis Page B

Book: A Trap So Tender by Jennifer Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lewis
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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proud, too, one of the many traits she’d inherited from him.
    Which made it rather awkward to stand here wrapped in James
Drummond’s powerful arms. She wondered if anyone had ever kissed their enemy
before in this very room.
    Quite probably. “What does the future hold?” She looked into
his face, which wasn’t easy since he was more than half a head taller than
    “I’m no fortune-teller.” Those dark eyes seemed to peer into
her soul, which shrank from their penetrating gaze. “I can only see what’s right
in front of me.”
    Then he kissed her again, harder this time. Stars flashed
behind her eyelids—simple chemistry, nothing more, she reassured herself. Thick,
hot lust surged inside her. Again, just chemistry. And that was the only thing
making her fingers creep lower, toward the waistband of his pants, where she was
absolutely not going to grope the well-muscled backside she’d enjoyed such
impressive views of during their ride that morning.
    He was deliberately seducing her. His lips trailed over her
cheek, leaving her skin hot and flushed. His fingers now skated up and down her
spine. His hips jutted toward her, and she could feel his arousal thick and hard
behind the civilized veneer of clothing.
    A civilized veneer that was in real danger of being ripped
right off.
    “Stop!” She squeaked the word as she managed to pull back from
the kiss.
    “You don’t mean that.” His voice was low, throaty, his gaze
    You’re right, I don’t. “I’ve just
met you. I’m here as your prisoner—I mean, your guest—and things are moving too
    “My prisoner?” A dark brow rose slightly.
    “Freudian slip.” She lifted her chin, which helped her see eye
to eye with him. Why did he have to be so tall? “But you have to admit that I
can’t easily escape.”
    “So much the better.” His arms still held firm around her
    “Is this how you treat all your guests?” Frustrated desire
snapped through her like stray current, making her edgy. She didn’t like the way
he could just pick her up and play with her as if she were a toy. And she
especially didn’t like the way she responded so instantly and totally.
    “No. Only the pretty ones.”
    “Then your reputation is well earned.”
    He froze. She felt his hands still and his muscles grow hard.
Her own chest constricted as she realized that she’d revealed too much. She
wasn’t supposed to know anything about him. “What do you know of my
    “I did ask around before volunteering to travel several
thousand miles to stay with a virtual stranger.” Good save. Of course that’s
what any sensible person would do.
    “But apparently you came anyway.” His fierce gaze made her
stomach clench.
    “I’m not afraid of a…rake.”
    He laughed. “A rake? What is this, the eighteenth century?”
    “I couldn’t think of a more polite word. Okay, how about a
    He grinned. “I’m not sure anyone’s called me that, either. And
I’m not the playboy that people make out. I never, ever date more than one woman
at a time.”
    “So why haven’t you ever married?” She couldn’t resist
re-asking the bold question. It was the perfect moment to dig a little deeper
beneath James’s cool facade. And his tormenting arms were no longer wrapped
around her, so she could breathe again. “I know you said you haven’t met the
right woman, but I know there’s more to it than that. And since I’m apparently
already on your embarrassing list of statistics, you might as well tell me.”
    He frowned. “I did meet the right woman, once.”
    The words hung in the air and bounced off the bare walls. Then
he turned and strode for the door.
    Fiona hurried after him, suddenly sure that what had happened
with this woman could be the key to James Drummond’s heart. Did she dump him
mercilessly? Run off with his best friend? Her heart beat faster as she rushed
along the corridor. James was heading deeper into the unused parts of

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