Absolute Power (Southern Justice #1

Absolute Power (Southern Justice #1 by Cayce Poponea Page A

Book: Absolute Power (Southern Justice #1 by Cayce Poponea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cayce Poponea
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had a smile upon his face.
    “I knew the Sister would allow me to use the phone to call for a tow truck and a taxi to get me back home.” She again looked at Dean, her face with just a hint of a smile. “See, I didn’t want to call Dean. He had insisted I get the car that had just broken down. I had wanted a different model, but he knew cars better than I did.” Her face was in an all-knowing smile now. Several more snickers could be heard joining in her story. “So he was the last person I wanted to speak with at the time. As I walked up the sidewalk, I grew angrier and angrier at Dean. I had it all planned out in my head what I was going to say to him.” She pointed at her temple. Dean now had a Cheshire grin on his face.
    “I rang the bell and, sure enough, Sister Mary came to let me in. I told her my story and she reminded me men were simple creatures and thus the reason God invented women.” A gush of laughter followed her admission. I looked to Dylan who remained stoic in his posture and stare. “Sister Mary encouraged me to follow her to the back where I could use her phone, all the while continuing to tell me of different men in the bible who should have listened to their wives. As we passed what I think was a television room, I noticed three little boys standing huddled together. On the opposite side, stood a bigger boy and a little girl.” Noticing movement to my right, I looked to see Dylan was now looking at Priscilla.
    “Something in me snapped as I watched the taller of the three boys, as he seemed to be protecting the other two.” Priscilla was looking in Dylan’s direction. “I asked Sister Mary about the boys and she told me how they came to be at the center. She ushered me away from them, which was quite a feat, if my memory is correct.” Her eyes remained on Dylan. “I made three phone calls. The first to Dean.” She counted off on her dainty hand. “At first I was told he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed.” Her head shook as if this was so beneath her. “The response changed, however, when I advised his secretary my next call was to my father’s office. I told Dean, once he picked up the line, to get to the Children’s Center as fast as he could. I gave him no explanation as to why he needed to come, only to hurry.” Dean nodded his head, reliving the memory himself.
    “The next call I made was to Daddy.” Her hand landed on the casket. “He arrived first, walked over to where I sat talking with those three boys, the youngest sitting on my lap.” Her voice cracked again, as she caressed the fibers of the flag. “Dean arrived not long after the boys went to eat their lunch.” A single tear fell down her face.
    “He and Daddy listened as I spoke of the feeling I felt in my heart when I first laid eyes on those three little boys. How I just knew I was destined to stop and come into this building. How I knew that I was destined to become their mom. I looked to Daddy and said, ‘I now know why I was unable to get pregnant all this time, because my boys had already been born.” Her words were so pure and powerful that not a dry eye remained.
    “Daddy turned to Dean and spoke with conviction, and just a hint of mischief. ‘Son, it seems your wife is unhappy. You promised me you would keep her happy for the rest of her days. What are you gonna do about all of this?” She imitated her father’s voice in a deep baritone. Laughter replaced the sniffles as the answer was plain as day seeing the three men who sat beside Dean. “Before sunset that night, I had my three boys in my home where they belonged. This is how my daddy showed his love for me, by allowing my husband to keep his promise to him. A simple selfless act, the kind he showed to everyone he knew.”

Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.
    ~Havelock Ellis
    “S till have yours, I see.” I’d been twisting this damn bracelet since I’d

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