Accidental Reunion
threatening sting of tears suddenly pricked her eyes. She couldn’t cry here, couldn’t embarrass herself that way.
    Making her way to the toilet, she changed course quickly as she saw Yvonne teetering in that direction rather ungracefully. Yvonne was the last person she wanted to make small talk with. Instead she slipped out into the foyer and stepped out onto the balcony.
    The cool night air was welcome and she took a few calming breaths, looking out unseeingly at the dark night sky. A storm was breaking to the east—flashes of lightning flickering in the distance, the rumble of far-away thunder. The music was pounding away inside, and as the tempo changed and the achingly familiar beat of Declan’s and her favourite song struck up Lila couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.
    ‘There you are.’
    She didn’t move, didn’t turn around. He wasn’t going to see her cry.
    ‘I just wanted to get some air,’ she said, trying to keep her voice even. ‘It’s a bit smoky in there.’ Quickly she wiped her cheeks.
    ‘Lila.’ His hand was on her shoulder, his touch so, so familiar that she felt a nearly overwhelming urge to put her hand over his, to draw him nearer.
    ‘We still haven’t had that dance.’
    She turned to face him, just a hand space separating them. The music seemed to be speaking to her, reminding her of how good it had been. Placing his whisky carefully on the stone wall of the balcony, he turned back to her, his fingers gently tilting her chin. And as her eyes met his, she knew she was lost.
    Melting into his arms, they swayed slowly to the music. The warmth of his body, the silent strength in his embrace, the male scent of him—all played their part in peeling the years away.
    ‘I’ve never stopped missing you,’ he murmured. ‘You’ve been on my mind every day.’
    Closing her eyes, she leant even further into him. She could hear the thumping of his heart in his chest.
    ‘I’ve missed you, too,’ Lila admitted.
    And how she had missed him. Missed the way he’d held her, the way he’d loved her. The undisguised admiration in his eyes when he’d looked at her, the way he’d made her laugh, made her feel. How he’d turned any situation around and seen the lighter side, but serious too when it had been merited.
    Had she misjudged him so badly? Had she saidgoodbye to the best thing in her life over a stupid misunderstanding?
    She knew when the music ended they should have left it there. That she should have thanked him and gone inside. And that had been her intention. But as she looked up to speak, as their eyes met and held, the words just wouldn’t come. Her lips weren’t moving to her command. Instead, they moved with instinct, back to the familiar, exciting place they had been so many times before. Yet now there was nothing safe in familiarity. His cool tongue gently exploring her mouth, the scratch of his cheek against hers, the intake of his breath as he pulled her nearer.
    Her body blossomed beneath him. She felt as if champagne were running through her veins, tiny bubbles exploding as her breasts tingled, her stomach tightening in a reflex action to his touch. And he felt it, too. She could feel his inflamed desire pressing into her and she ground her hips against him.
    With breathtaking stealth his hands travelled along her body, and she felt herself melt beneath his touch. Her hands were lost in his thick hair and she kissed him back with longing. Slowly, deliberately his fingers moved to her zip, achingly close to her swollen breast. She was filled with a brazen longing for him to inch down the zipper, to slip his long warm fingers inside and touch her aching breasts. But not here. Declan would never compromise her in that way.
    His fingers lingered just a moment, almost teasing her with what could be if only she let it. He pulled away, staring at her for the longest time.
    ‘I remember this dress,’ he said huskily. ‘Hell, Lila, I remember everything about you.’

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