After Forever

After Forever by Krystal McLaughlin Page A

Book: After Forever by Krystal McLaughlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal McLaughlin
Tags: Magic, YA), Anthology, teen, indie, Fairytale
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I hesitated briefly, and then
pushed the door open. The bed was still made. It didn’t look like
anyone had even been in the room recently.
    I was so confused. Where could they be? I
hurried from the room and ran out to the garage. Their cars were
still there. My mind was racing. I didn’t know what to do. Call the
police…and tell them what? What would I say? What could I say? I
would never be able to explain what had happened. I shook my
    I decided to search the house from top to
bottom. Maybe they had left a note or some sort of clue as to where
they had gone. After hours of searching, I had come up empty
handed. I resigned, forced myself to clean up dinner, made myself
something to eat, and tried to go back to sleep. I hoped that
things would look better in the morning.
    I was quite restless though, and only
managed to get a few hours of sleep. I was just too worried. When I
finally climbed out of bed, it was almost ten. I went back
downstairs, but everything was just as I had left it.
    I grabbed my cell phone from my purse. I had
several unread text messages, all from Rania. Wondering why I
wasn’t at school. I sat down on the couch, trying to decide what to
tell her. Maybe I should tell her to ditch school and come over. I
didn’t really want to be alone. But it wasn’t like I could tell her
anything either.
    I stared at the phone in my hand, trying to
figure out what to do. I didn’t want to get her involved, but I
couldn’t stand to be alone either.
    ‘Can you come over? Something happened last
night.’ I finally sent her.
    ‘Sure. I’ll ditch at the next bell. See you
soon.’ She replied.
    Thank goodness.
    I was falling apart by the time Rania showed
up, apparently. Because she took one look at me and threw her arms
around me. And let me tell you, that isn’t typical Rania.
    “What is going on?” she asked, concern
filling her eyes.
    “You had better sit down,” I replied. “It’s
a long, complicated story. You probably won’t even believe me, but
I swear it’s all true.”
    She shot me one of her signature looks, but
said nothing. I sat down on the couch next to her, trying to gather
my thoughts. I didn’t even know where to start. I took a deep
breath and began, hoping that I would actually make sense.
    When I was done, Rania just sat there,
staring at me, with her mouth gaping. I knew she wouldn’t believe
me. Who in their right mind would? What I was saying was
    “What am I going to do now?” I wailed.
    Rania shook her head. “I don’t know Crimson,
I don’t know. But you need to get rid of that cat. Right away!”
    I nodded, knowing she was right. After what
had already happened, I was starting to believe. “We can take him
to the animal shelter, since I was already going to do that. Let’s
go right now.” I didn’t want to waste any more time.
    I sent Rania to the garage to find a box,
while I went up to my bedroom to get Cinder. I found him curled up
in the closet again. I picked him up carefully, trying not to wake
him. No such luck though. He woke up the second I got him off the
ground. He snuggled into my arms and started purring. Of course, he
was going to make it difficult for me to get rid of him. I pushed
his cuteness away and reminded myself of what had already happened.
Taking him to the shelter was the right thing to do.
    Rania was waiting for me in the living room,
holding a box. She set it on the coffee table when she saw me.
“Goodness, he is adorable. You’re sure he’s an evil witch?” It was
obvious she was trying to make light of the situation.
    I didn’t say anything as I set him in the
box. “I think we should take my parent’s car. I don’t really feel
like walking all that way.”
    Rania agreed.
    I grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter
and we headed out to the garage. Rania carried the box.
    “You had better hold the box while I drive.
I don’t want him to get out.”
    She glared at me, but agreed, knowing I was
right. She handed

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