Alice After Hours

Alice After Hours by Galia Ryan Page A

Book: Alice After Hours by Galia Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Galia Ryan
Tags: BDSM, London, alpha male, submissive, chat room
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known, and she was reduced to begging.
    â€œ Not yet,” he murmured, his fingers between her legs, stroking and petting and fondling.
    â€œ I can’t do this.”
    Her hand gripped his. Squeezed it and held it still.
    She was trembling.
    â€œ I’m going to restrain you.”
    His eyes were strangely compassionate.
    â€œ Nooooo.”
    â€œ And I’m going to blindfold you.”
    Her breath caught. “Why?”
    â€œ Because I can. Unless you intend to walk away right now. Do you?”
    Alice shook her head. She was in far too deep. A surge of excitement shot through her at the thought of this man, a total stranger, stripping away her defences and plundering her body.
    â€œ Tell me it’s what you want,” he said, taking his hand from hers and placing it on her aching breast.
    â€œ Tie me up,” she whispered.
    â€œ And ….”
    â€œ Blindfold me.”
    â€œ And then what?”
    â€œ Use me.”
    â€œ For whose pleasure?”
    â€œ Yours.”
    â€œ You would give yourself to me that way?”
    â€œ Yes.”
    Her response was shamefully urgent.
    The bindings were soft on her wrists, but they were restraints nonetheless. Her arms were pulled taut as he tied first one wrist to a corner of the bed, and then the other to the opposite side. Then he placed a layer of fabric across her eyes, and lifting her head, gently fastened the blindfold in place.
    Her world was utter blackness, far more so than when she merely closed her eyes.
    â€œ Let everything fade away.” The smooth plane of his cheek was against hers, and the warmth of his breath on her ear.
    The mattress moved, and now she understood why he hadn’t tied her legs. Lifting her right knee and grasping her ankle, he slid her heel up to rest against her thigh. He did the same with the other, and then pried her legs apart.
    Her nipples throbbed painfully.
    She heard his breathing, measured and steady—then heard her own, ragged and laden with desire, and was consumed with shame.
    This was what she’d wanted all along. And he’d known it. Understood her better than she did herself.
    His mouth was hot on her ripe, slick cunt and when his tongue fluttered over her clit and probed at her entrance, she groaned uncontrollably. She was in heat, a bitch in season, but more than that, she was alive in every sense. Nothing else mattered. Only this.
    She struggled, tugging on her bindings and felt them tighten. The chafing and biting into her wrists hurt, there was no doubt of that, but the resulting sense of helplessness was beyond incredible. Then the tip of a finger slipped inside her—just the tip—and even that was barely there. She bucked, desperate for more, but instead his fingers were digging into her, spreading her wide and he’d returned his mouth to her engorged bud, drawing on it and sucking it between his lips. She couldn’t stop. She heard herself cry out—begging, pleading, promising.
    â€œ Cum for me.”
    She barely heard the words, but they crashed and echoed in the darkest void of her mind, and immediately her spine arched in relief and gratitude. Only her shoulders and heels remained on the bed as contractions, wave after wave of them, surged through her. She wanted to scream, to push down. She wanted him to stop, to leave her be, but she was crying and begged him not to. She was somewhere else, somewhere primal, somewhere only one thing mattered: this incredible ecstasy.

Chapter 16
    T hough she didn’t open her eyes immediately, Alice sensed the first glimmers of morning light filtering into the room. She couldn’t believe how good she felt. And how completely at peace. Taking a deep breath, and with her eyes still closed, she stretched her arms above her head and pointed her toes, ballerina-style, towards the bottom of the bed. Counting to ten, she exhaled slowly.
    She did it again, though by the time she’d reached five, she

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