All Men Are Rogues

All Men Are Rogues by Sari Robins Page B

Book: All Men Are Rogues by Sari Robins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sari Robins
Tags: Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance
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against hers, and it happened again. She was lifted out from the quagmire of her worries and into the most titillating oasis of pleasure. He wrapped his strong arms around her and pressed his hard body against hers. Her body melted into him, drawing closer still. His lips parted slightly, and his tongue slipped into her mouth, lightly caressing her teeth. Surprised, she jerked back.
    “I thought only rogues and scoundrels knew how to kiss like that,” she gasped, only half-jokingly.
    He gently stroked her arms with his palms, quieting her as one would a skittish colt. He moved his lips to her ear, deftly nibbling on her lobe and sending shivers racing down her spine. “All gentlemen are rogues and scoundrels, we simply dress better.”
    The corners of her lips lifted into a smile. Justin was unlike anyone she had ever known. He was certainly nothing like the lechers and fortune hunters she had endured in the past. He was straightforward, guileless, a man simply looking to enjoy a few innocent kisses. Well, perhaps not completely innocent.
    He splayed light butterfly kisses along her jawline while running his hands down her back and pressing her closer still. “I do not see the harm in exploring simple diversions between friends, do you?”
    Explore. She was endlessly curious and hungered to understand the magic between a man and woman that led so many to tragedy. She would be in London a few short weeks. She might never have this safe opportunity to taste physical pleasures without someone trying to force her to compromise her life. She leaned back and caught his half-hooded gaze. “You do understand we cannot marry?”
    “I would be a fool to think that I could tempt you into matrimony with a few kisses.”
    She sighed, reclining.
    His minty breath tickled her throat as he continued, “I would need at least ten estates, hoards of cash, a villa in Italy. Oh, yes, and five or six juicy titles to tempt you.” He nibbled on her ear.
    She smiled and swatted his chest. “You toy with me!”
    “That is the whole point, is it not? To play freely without Damocles’ sword of marriage hanging over our heads?” He traced his finger along her neck, raising tingles down to her toes. “Uninhibited safe play between friends with the true understanding that we do not press for anything more than is freely given.”
    Ahh, the freedom of being able to explore her passion without the fear of being trapped, without Sully’s or her father’s disapproval tainting the experience. To have a delightful escape from reality. It was too enticing a lure.
    She licked her lips, jumping off the cliff she prayed was as secure as it appeared. She stated breathlessly, “Show me.”
    “By your command.”
    She parted her lips and waited for his intimate caress. But instead of accosting her into a clinch, he gently took her bottom lip between his lips and sucked until all thoughts of rogues and scoundrels fled from her mind. A wonderful heat smoldered up her body, engulfing her in a flaming wave of desire. With his finger, he gently tilted her head and once again pressed his open mouth to hers. When his tongue flicked inside, touching hers, shocks of lightning electrified her senses, curling her toes. She quivered with delicate joy. Wanting to be nearer, wanting more of this tantalizing touch, she shifted closer on the short bench and banged her teeth against his.
    He pulled away.
    “I am so sorry,” she mumbled with embarrassment, holding her hand to her mouth.
    He smiled, pulling her back against him. “Come here, Evelyn.”
    His use of her Christian name was an intimate caress to her ears. She allowed him to pull her closer. She tilted her head, and when his lips met hers, his tongue intertwined with her own, playfully bringing her senses to a new level of heated awareness. She had had no idea of the intensity and passion that could be evoked from a kiss. And what a kiss. Her nipples tingled, her skin warmed, and the most

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