Alpha Geek

Alpha Geek by Milly Taiden Page A

Book: Alpha Geek by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
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sorry I wasn’t there for you, Knox.”
    “Don’t―” he interrupted her.
    She closed her eyes for a second, pressing her cheek on his soft feathers. “If I hadn’t been such a coward about my feelings and stayed with you, you’d never gotten hurt.”
    “Look where we are,” he said as he soared higher into the clouds. “If I were still human, we wouldn’t be able to do this. You’d be scared to hurt me.”
    He was right, but that didn’t make her feel any better.

    Knox didn’t like taking Scarlett into any kind of dangerous situation. By the time they arrived at Richmond, Knox had a feeling they were cutting things too closely. He landed in the back of a rental car lot. The sun was setting and so they were easily covered under the dark.
    They got a car and while she drove, he was able to hack into the GPS of the car Francis had rented and locate him.
    Scarlett dialed Nick while Knox tracked their target.
    “Nick?” Scarlett spoke into the car’s Bluetooth speaker.
    “My guys are racing to the house where Knox says the car is parked.”
    “We’ll be there in the next few minutes. What do you want us to do with him?” she asked.
    “I called in some favors in DC and was able to delay both people he’s supposed to be meeting with. You have about thirty minutes to get in, get our stuff, neutralize him, and let our guys get him.”
    Knox glanced at his mate. She might not bear his mark yet, but she was his. He worried she might get hurt. He finally understood where she was coming from when he’d been human. But he was a lot stronger than her, and he’d rather handle the guy himself than get her involved.
    “Does she really have to be there?”
    “Save it, hot stuff,” she told him. “I worked with my brother for years. I’m in charge. I’ve done this countless times and you have no clue what needs doing.”
    “She’s right,” Nick added. “Scarlett leads. You follow her orders, Knox. Don’t try to be a hero. She knows what she’s doing.”
    The house was off a dirt road. They turned off the car lights so they wouldn’t be seen. Francis’s car was parked out front and lamps inside the house were on.
    They drove to the side and parked behind a barn. His gut told him this wasn’t a good idea.
    Quietly, they walked up to the house and peeked through a window. The last thing they needed was to go in and the guy be surrounded by explosives. He inhaled. “I don’t smell anything from out here, the wind’s blowing the wrong way.”
    She turned to face him. God, she was beautiful. Her face pursed as she thought. “We have to split up so he doesn’t take off on us. I’ll take the back and you take the front.”
    He grabbed her shirt and looked her in the eyes. “Be careful.”
    She smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re bossy but so damn hot.”
    He watched her walk away and headed for the front door. The house had one floor, so nowhere for Francis to run. He waited until he knew she was opening the door before he put pressure on the front lock and broke it, making minimal sound.
    Inside, he heard Francis talking to himself.
    He waited behind a sofa for the man to come out of the bedroom. His gaze went to the hallway. Scarlett should have come up from the back already. Suddenly, Francis came into the room, dragging Scarlett at his side.
    “Come out, don’t you think I have cameras in this place?” Francis asked, pointing a gun at Scarlett’s side. “You must think I’m really fucking stupid.”
    He stood up from behind the sofa and watched the pale, pimply man that couldn’t weigh more than a hundred ten pounds wet shove a gun deeper into his mate’s side.
    “You have something that isn’t yours,” Knox said, staring point-blank at the guy.
    He smelled the guy’s fear, but that gun helped him feel in control. He didn’t know they were shifters.
    “Yeah? So Zeke sent you two to get his serum back? Too bad. It’s mine now and I’m about to make

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