Alpha Geek

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Book: Alpha Geek by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
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millions by selling it to two different people.”
    Knox strode forward. “Can’t let you do that, kid.”
    “Stay right there or I’ll shoot her,” he screamed. “Don’t fuck with me. I’ll do it.”
    Knox met Scarlett’s gaze before looking at Francis again. “Then I kill you and the serum still goes with me.”
    “Over my dead fucking body!”
    Scarlett turned, swiping razor-sharp claws over his face. Francis yelled and fired one shot after another into Scarlett’s side. Knox was too far to stop it.
    Knox’s wolf pushed out, taking control. He shifted and tackled the guy, the gun hand was mangled before he got a chance to shoot more.
    In less time than it took Francis to take his last breath, he was torn limb from limb. The wolf clawed at him, bit and ripped him to bite-size pieces.
    The door burst open and Nick’s guys flowed in. Knox changed to his human self, picked up a bloodied Scarlett and carried her out. “What do I do?”
    She winced in pain. “I need to shift.”
    He saw her struggle to get into her lioness, but once she did, she slumped over and passed out. Nick called in more favors and got them a helicopter to take them home, along with the serums.

    Scarlett sat up in bed and watched Shani bring her a tray with soup. “You know, I can eat fine. I can even walk if you all would stop babying me.”
    Shani grinned. “Shush. Knox is beside himself that he let you get shot.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Newsflash. I did that on purpose. I just didn’t expect the asshole to empty the damn clip in me.”
    Shani flinched. “I know. I’ve never seen you need so much recuperating sleep before. You were out for three days straight.”
    She didn’t like thinking about it, but that dickwad Francis had hit some vital organs when he shot her. Luckily, she could shift into her lioness or she definitely would’ve died.
    “How’s Nick?” she asked, knowing her brother better than anyone. He was probably holding himself accountable for the fact his men weren’t there when she needed them.
    Shani grimaced. “He’ll be okay. He just needs time to see you’ll be fine.”
    “I already am. If they would stop treating me like I’m going to break, I could get up and walk around and find out what’s going on with Knox’s tests.”
    Shani widened her eyes. “Oh! Yes. So apparently, Zeke hasn’t found anything to say that he’s going to go postal or on a killing spree with dual animals inside him.”
    Good. She already knew that, but it was nice to hear the words. Maybe now he’d get naked and they could break a bed or two. The mansion had enough of them that it would take a while to go through every room.
    “I see your smile.” Shani laughed. “I’m going to get Knox, and then Nick and I have to go home.” She winked at Scarlett. “Have fun.”
    * * *
    Scarlett didn’t realize she’d dozed off. She woke to Knox sitting beside her, with his laptop. “What are you doing?”
    He raised his gaze from the computer. “Making sure the people meeting up with Francis didn’t have anything to go after.”
    She yawned and sat up. “Hacking stuff again, huh?”
    He grinned. “Yes.”
    She glanced around the bedroom and raised her brows. “Your bedroom, I presume?”
    “That’s right. I didn’t want you far from me.” He closed his laptop and set it on the bedside table next to him. “How are you feeling?”
    “I’m fine, Knox.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him on to the bed where she kissed him. “How are you?”
    “Fine, now that you’re awake.” He cupped her face in his hands. “I’ll die if something happens to you.”
    “Come here,” she said and made him get under the covers with her. She leaned into his side and let him hold her. She could think of a time not long ago that she would have laughed at the idea of Knox being in bed with her. “Nothing will happen to me.”
    He kissed the side of her head and held her close. “I won’t let it.”

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