Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Page A

Book: Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Richards
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went to the sideboard to pour a glass of orange juice. "Good morning, Zach."
    "Good morning, Chantal." Zach's spidey senses were tingling. What was she really up to?
    She sat next to him at the table. "Pass me the arts section, would you, Dad?"
    He handed over the newspaper and went back to his reading. She laid out her paper on the table in front of her. Zach relaxed. Maybe his spidey senses were off.
    And then he felt it. Something was stroking his calf. What the hell?
    He glanced at Chantal, but she was innocently perusing the paper, seemingly ignoring him. He dared a glimpse under the table. She had slipped her foot from her high heel shoe and was running it up and down his leg. He jerked his leg away.
    "Interesting article here about a new exhibit at the art museum," she remarked. "'Eroticism in Modern Art'. Sounds very interesting. Do you think you'd be interested in seeing that exhibit, Zach?"
    He felt her hand on his knee. What game was she playing? "Modern art's not my thing."
    "I guess that's true. You always liked the works of the old masters better. All those Rubenesque women. But I really think you should give this exhibit a try. Perhaps you'll come to a new appreciation of the art form."
    Her hand inched up his thigh. Sweat broke out on his forehead. "I don't think so. I have other interests."
    "There's no reason you can't appreciate two art forms at the same time."
    Her hand drifted to the top of his thigh. For the first time she looked at him, giving him a triumphant smile. Then her hand moved to his crotch.
    He shot to his feet, his chair scraping against the wood floor and nearly tipping. Just at that moment, Dani entered the dining room with a bowl, and after setting it on the sideboard, turned to smile at him. He reached her in three strides, enveloping her tightly in his arms and covering her mouth with his before she had a chance to protest or even say good morning. He wanted to make sure Chantal understood in no uncertain terms that he was with Dani now.
    For several heart beats, she held herself rigid. And then something remarkable happened. He felt her sigh against his mouth as her arms wound around his neck and she pressed herself against him. His own response was swift and totally unexpected. He held her close, running one hand over the lush curves of her bottom, her softness speaking to a primordial part of his being. The taste of berries on her tongue made him want to strip off her clothing to taste every inch of her naked skin. Though he was vaguely aware of people entering the room, he ignored them. Urgency built inside him, demanding to be released.
    "Whoa! Guys! Get a room."
    "Geez, Zach. People are trying to eat here."
    With regret, he ended the kiss. Dani slowly opened her eyes as if awakening from a dream. She stared up at him, desire sparkling in her dark eyes. He willed his body to relax, and gradually let her go.
    "Well, that's one way of saying good morning," Camp said drily. Zach didn't miss the I-told-you-so in his expression.
    "Good morning, Dani," Fiona said with a smile. "I guess I don't have to ask how you are this morning."
    She blushed, and turned away.
    He'd embarrassed her, and he was sorry, but if it kept Chantal off his back, it was worth it. He didn't want to examine the kiss, and how he'd felt when he kissed Dani, too closely.
    Adele finished laying out the food on the sideboard, putting the hot dishes into warming trays. "Everything's ready. Please help yourselves."
    Zach noticed for the first time that everyone was down for breakfast, even Margaret. After filling his plate at the buffet, he sat next to Dani. He noticed that she was picking at her fruit salad, ignoring the pancakes and French toast that he knew from experience would be mouth-watering.
    He stabbed a bit of maple syrup soaked pancake with his fork and held it out to her. "Would you like a taste?"
    She looked up at him, her expression guarded, as if she wasn't sure she should trust him. It killed him that she

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