Amy Maxwell & the 7 Deadly Sins (The Amy Maxwell Series Book 2)

Amy Maxwell & the 7 Deadly Sins (The Amy Maxwell Series Book 2) by Heather Balog Page A

Book: Amy Maxwell & the 7 Deadly Sins (The Amy Maxwell Series Book 2) by Heather Balog Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Balog
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her kind,” he remarks with a smirk. I can hear him cackling with laughter as he walks away. I debate hitting him with the car, but instead I find myself laughing along with him. He’s not that bad of a kid after all.
    Later that night, after I have tucked in all of my children (except for Allie who now only lets me in her room on alternate Saturdays and sometimes when the moon is full), I am crouched over the iPad as I sit in bed. I have managed, with the reluctant help of my teen, to download all of the books that are required for Professor Jerk Off, um I mean Cummings’ class.
    I have also downloaded his lengthy syllabus and am now examining it. From what I can tell, the man is a sadist. Every class there is a quiz on the reading. Ok, I get that. In addition, he has mandatory study guide questions that need to be submitted before each class. Ironically, class attendance isn’t mandatory. I’m not sure how that works.
    But the thing that really gets me is the project . Scratch that, not just a project, a group project. I’m going to be expected to huddle with these… teenagers at the student center, or worse, in their dorm rooms, and work with them. When the hell am I going to have time for that? I’m barely going to be able to make it to class and have time to read. As it is, my head is throbbing and my eyes are burning because it is dangerously close to midnight.
    Despite River’s pep talk, I’m doubting that I can handle this whole school thing. The rest of the afternoon was a blur after I go home. Of course, we ended up ordering take-out; nobody could agree on what to eat so in the end, everyone complained except for Evan who will eat just about anything.
    After dinner, nobody wanted to do their homework; Lexie actually spent the better part of an hour whining about how unfair fractions were and how they were ruining her life. Yes, she said ruining her life .
    Colt literally had six sentences to write and it took him two hours and forty two minutes because he left the table after each word that he reluctantly imprinted on the page. I have no idea what Allie did as far as homework was concerned because she shut herself up in her bedroom and blasted her music. But I had to assume she had been doing school work because after our ordeal last year, Allie had started to perform surprisingly well in school for the remainder of the year. By June, Roger and I were actually beaming with pride at her report card. We chalked it up to the whole seeing your life flash before your eyes and it ain’t that great situation she had found herself in.
    Roger wasn’t any help with wrangling the kids to do their homework as he grumbled that he had his own homework. I found him asleep in his chair, TV blasting, shortly after that.
    He’s now reclining in our bed on his back, gently snoring and making it extremely difficult for me to concentrate on reading. As if the reading material weren’t dull enough, I find my mind wandering to my mental to do list for the morning.
    Roger groans, snorts, and flops over on his side, smacking my iPad out of my hand. I glower at him, resisting the urge to cover his face with my pillow. Sighing, I take that as a cue to give up for the night. I place the iPad on the bedside table and click off the light, wondering what the heck I’ve gotten myself into.

    “Hello, Amy.”
    My breath hitches as I hear his voice on the other end of the phone. My pulse quickens and my palms are starting to sweat.
    I lick my dry and cracked lips before I answer in the sultriest voice that I can muster. “Hello, Jason.” Part of me is praying he cannot hear the desire in my voice, while the other half of me is wishing he would leap through the receiver and scoop me up in his arms.
    “I heard that you were taking college classes and that you are going for a criminal justice degree?”
    Crap. Where did he hear that? Who told him? Then, I realize that he is an agent and he has other

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