An Unexpected Husband

An Unexpected Husband by Constance Masters Page B

Book: An Unexpected Husband by Constance Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Masters
Tags: Romance
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forgotten the plan.
    *              *              *
    While she picked at a cheeseburger and fries, she sighed. “I’m sorry Mom if I’ve been a little grumpy,” she said seriously.
    Her Mom smiled sweetly. She was touched with Skye’s apology. Her daughter had mostly been a sweet and easy to child to raise. Both her and her brother. It hurt her a lot when Skye began to get distant with her. She wanted to share her life, be a part of it. Particularly now, with a grandchild on the way.
    *              *              *
    “Whatever you said to my little girl seemed to improve her attitude,” Rob said with a grin. “She’s can have attitude at times.”
    Shaun frowned. “Really? She’s always had attitude? I thought it was the pregnancy. You know, making her a little impatient.”
    “Well, not exactly. She’s always had her moments. Of course her mother would probably tell a different story. In any case, she’s all grown up now. She’ll get over it I’m sure,” he said.
    “Yeah,” Shaun said. “She’ll get over it, she’ll have to.”
    “Yes I guess she will now that she’s going to be a mother. Thanks anyway, it made her mother very happy that she let her buy something for the baby.”
    “It was nice of you to offer, you didn’t have to you know?”
    “It’s nothing,” Rob said with a wave. “It’s the least we can do.”
    *              *              *
    Picking at her fries, Skye now put on her best sad face. “I’m a little worried Mom too.”
    “Oh why?” Maddie said taking the bait hook, line, and sinker.
    “We’ll be able to manage on two teacher’s salaries, but when I have to have a break. I’m worried that we won’t be able to get all we need for the baby.” A tear came to the corner of her eye as she spoke, maybe telling Shaun she was an actress wasn’t such a lie after all.
    “Oh honey, don’t you upset yourself, I’ll get you anything you need.”
    Skye gave her a small watery smile. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
    “Don’t be silly. It’s my first grandchild! I’d love to.”
    “But we wouldn’t be able to take it all back in Shaun’s car anyway.”
    “No matter. We’ll just order the stuff and they can ship it to your address from the same shop there.”
    “They can do that?” Skye asked, again putting her acting skills to good work. She did feel a little guilty but she knew that once all this came out, Shaun would insist on paying her parents back. They wouldn’t be put out of pocket. As for the consequences, she’d have to deal with that when the time came. It’d be worth it. “Oh and Mom? Might be better if you let me break it to him when we get home. So we don’t embarrass him.” Or me if he does get mad, she thought.
    “Of course, I won’t say a word. It’ll be our little secret. Besides, imagine what a lovely surprise it will be for him when you get home and find the baby’s things?”
    “Oh I am imagining, Mom. I am,” Skye said with a smile.
    *              *              *
    “I’m going to miss you Mom,” Skye said. Her Mom had been quite sad this morning with the prospect of them leaving. The shopping experience had brought them closer. She did need to have her own space again but she loved her Mom, and she was going to be an excellent grandmother. She was glad that Shaun had talked her into giving her Mom a chance at showing her that.
    She gave both her Mom and Dad a big hug before leaving and she felt a twinge of regret about the shopping prank. Her Mom had put over eight thousand dollars on her credit card, she was pretty sure she hadn’t mentioned it to her Dad either. She could see now it’d been a little mean. Once they were through with the trip to Shaun’s Mom’s, she’d ring and cancel the order or at least tell Shaun what she’d done. No she would definitely cancel the order

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